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I have decided to stir these waters.  This might be one of those topics a lot of people have drawn a conclusion on.  A lot of  people see Valentine's Day as a commercial-secular Day.  Superficially, it is so moral that it's celebration cuts across ancient religious and even modern secular borders.  In America alone, it is estimated that about 18.5 billion dollars is spent annually for Valentine's Day even though it's not a major holiday.

The pressure to celebrate this day is overwhelming! Everyone is talking about it.  The  advertising is massive, the shops are all "red-themed", offices and malls are putting out sales and decorations, the churches are planning a Valentine's program, etc. There's 'love' in the air!  How can you not 'feel' it?! How can you not show love?!... And worse, how dare you question it?!!!   

A Little Quiz

Question: Where does Valentine's day originate from?

Popular Answers:

* It's a Christian Holiday

* It's an American Holiday

* It's a Saint's remembrance Day

Sadly, but all these answers are incorrect.

Have you ever heard of Lupercalia?

Lupercalia is one of the most important pagan festivals that was celebrated in honour of the fertility god, Lupercus also called, Faunus.  Although, the exact time of this festival's commencement is "unknown", It has been traced right back as far as the 6th Century BC.  Lupercalia was celebrated in the coming of Spring, after the Winter Solstice was long over... when the days were visibly longer.  These celebrations were fertlity rites and were filled with heightened fornication such as orgies, sex with minors (children), pairing of women with men by lotteries for sexual partnering, drunkenness and so on.

This feast was held from the 13th to the 15th of February in the Lupercal to "avert evil spirits and 'purify' the city, releasing health and fertility" according to Wikipedia.  

"Lupercalia was an ancient pagan festival held each year in Rome on February 15... Unlike Valentine's Day, however, Lupercalia was a bloody, violent and sexually-charged celebration awash with animal sacrifice, random matchmaking and coupling in the hopes of warding off evil spirits and infertility" according to A&E Television Networks.

Who was Lupercus?

Lupercus was the ferility god the Romans worshipped. The men would go naked and sacrifice goats and and a dog. The blood of these animals would then be smeared on the foreheads of  young men wearing only strips of goatskin around their loins. These men who were practically naked, would run around the city whipping or striking women with these thongs/whips of goatskin.  It was believed that the pregnant women would have easy labour and the infertile women would become fertile.

Some of the few places where Lupercalia ritual was held was in Rome's Comitium which was their Open air public meeting place, Palatine Hill and in the Lupercal Cave.

About the Lupercal Cave

According to Roman Legend, the ancient king Amelius, ordered that his twin nephews, Romulus and Remus (founders of Rome) be thrown into the Tiber river to drown in retribution for their mother's broken vow of celibacy.

However, a servant took pity on the them and placed them in a basket on the river instead and the river god carried them off to safety where they were trapped in the branches of a wild fig tree under the Palatine Hills (where Rome was founded) and a she-wolf rescued and took care of the brothers.

The legend went on to say that these twin brothers were later adopted by a shepherd and his wife and they grew up to learn their father's trade.  They sought out King Amelius, their uncle who had ordered their death and killed him.  Also, they found the cave where the she-wolf had nurtured them and named it Lupercal in honour of both the she-wolf and the fertility god.

They erected therein an alter and a grove sacred to Lupercus. They had priests who conducted these rituals... the killing of animals and the smearing of blood on the foreheads of maybe two priests with the sacrifice knives. They used wool dipped in milk to clean the blood while they laughed hysterically.  Hence, the Red (blood) and White (milk) theme of this celebration. They (priests) were called the Luperci.  

The reason why they chose the goats and the dog for their rituals is because these animals were known for their strong sexual instincts, making them most appropriate to the "god of fertility"

Towards the close of the feast, the priests would strip thongs also called februa from the sacrificial goats' hides and run round the city naked whipping women to make them 'fertile'.  It is believed that Women actually lined up for these flash floggings.

'Februare' actually means "to purify"

Luperca is the goddess of the ancient Romans and is identified with the deified she-wolf that nursed Romulus and Remus

Image courtesy Wikipedia 

This deity is connected with the ancient worship of Arcadian Lykaia and the worship of Pan. We may not know the exact date the worship of Lupercalia began but we can trace their gods from ancient times, and the civilizations that existed before Rome to be able connect the dots and see how long this wicked form of worship had been ongoing, and ascertain whom they really were honouring indeed.

From the Part One of this series [Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie], we see how Pagan Worship System spread from; Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz...

Father god- Nimrod.

Mother god- Semiramis and 

Sun god (re-born)- Tammuz

(the first Trinity) 

...to the different major civilizations, cultures and traditions that followed. From Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc. and how the names of deities changed because of language differences caused by the fall of the tower of Babal/Babel, but the Trinity hierarchical structural systems remained the same... representing the same thing.

For example;

In Egypt:

Father god- Osiris 

Mother god- Isis 

Son god re-born- Horus

In Greece:

Father god- Zeus

Mother god- Athena

Sun god re-born- Apollo

In Hinduism:

Father god- Brahma

Mother god- Vishnu

Sun god re-born- Shiva

In Christianity:

Father god- God

Mother god- Mary

Sun god re-born- Jesus


Lupercalia is the Roman form of worship of the Greek god, Pan. It's Roman equivalent is Lupercus or Faunus. They represent him in paintings and sculptures as a half man-half animal god.

Tracing backwards...

Pan [horned transhuman(half goat-half man), Nature and Fertility god] > Baal (horned transhuman fertility god) > Nimrod (father god) > Satan (enemy of YAHUAH [Creator] and man).

So... Lupercalia, during the Roman era, was held within the times we know today as Valentine's Day to honour Nimrod (in the Roman form) and ultimately Satan.

Moving forward...

Besides Lupercus, Is the month of February tied to another pagan deity and connected with Valentine's day?

Let's find out...

In ancient Rome, the month of February was sacred to Juno Februata/Februa.

Februata was the Roman goddess of fever of love, marriage and women.

Her feast day also fell of the 14th of February.

And on this day, eligible young women wrote their names on billets (strips of paper) and put them in a large bowl. Each single man drew one billet. The lady whose name was on that billet he drew would be his partner for day's erotic festivities. Sometimes, they would remain partners for the next twelve months, get married or part ways completely after the twelve months.

Still... One would wonder, where then did the name 'Valentine' come from?

The term 'Valentine's day' is said to be named after a few matyred Christians so named, 'Saints' by the Roman Catholic Church.

According to a source, Roman Emperor Claudius II imposed a ban on marriages because too many young men were dodging the drafts to get married. In those times, only single men were allowed to serve in the Army.

A Roman physician who was also a Priest in the then popular Christian religion, Valentinus of Terni, used to marry young Christians in secret... you know, those who were dodging the drafts to get married as an excuse to not serve in the Army??   Knowing fully well that marriages were banned, and understanding fully well the reasons why these soldiers were getting married, Valentine was committing a crime against Rome.

According to the stories, Valentinus wore a ring- a 'Cupid' ring as a symbol of love.  The ring helped soldiers to recognize him. When Valentinus was finally exposed, he was arrested, imprisoned, tortured and finally, beheaded.  Many years passed and later, he became a matyr and a Patron-Saint of true love in marriages.

As part of the story goes, while in prison awaiting execution, he was visited by young lovers with letters of how much love is better than war. Some think of these letters as the 'First Valentine'.

It's also told that while in prison, Valentine fell in love with the Jailer's daughter, and that when he was being taken away to be killed on the 14th of February, he wrote a love letter to her and signed it "from your Valentine". Whence the phrase 'Valentine's day' was coined.

Valentinus was killed by beheading on February 14, 269 A.D and buried on the Flaminian Way where it is said that archeologists have unearthed a catacomb and an ancient Church dedicated to his name. He is the Patron-Saint of engaged couples, happy marriages, love and lovers. According to Catholicsaints.org

However, according to the same source, all of these stories could have been made up because the Roman Catholic Church in 1969, struck off Saint Valentine's name out of their Calendar because officially, not much is known about him... and the stories seems to conflict with the image they might have of him. Though, he's still celebrated by the Church as a Matyred  saint.  Clearly, this couldn't be an original story.


After Rome had embraced their new religion-Christianity and the Roman Empire fell, the Holy Roman Empire begun and the Roman Catholic Church made changes. 

The Church was battling open sensuality as was a part of the Roman custom especially during Lupercalia.

In the 5th Century, Pope Gelasius declared February 14th as a 'holy' day in honour of Valentinus instead of Lupercus.  

With this, as is with other unscriptural customs and traditions like Easter, Halloween and Christmas found in the Christian Churches today, Lupercalia was simply given a "Christian-sounding-name" and adopted into the "Universal" Catholic Church. 

But, was it just the name they adopted? No. They also let in some of the practices found in Lupercalia and Februata and modified them. So, instead of pulling girls' names from the boxes, the boys and girls would both pull out names of matyred saints as part of the Juno Februata feast... different stories  were attributed to these Saints and they were expected to emulate the lives of these Saints.

We see clearly that Valentine's day is merely a re-branding (re-naming) of an important, long-lasting pagan festival of fertility.  If you have any inclination of how vile and promiscuous these pagan festivals were, then you'd understand how important these feasts were to them.

If you've had a glimpse of movies like Spartacus, Gladiators or some Roman, Greek or Egyptian ancient-themed movies, Hollywood portrayed a somewhat milder version of their everyday grotesque lifestyle. 

If you delve into the Ancient Catholic Church origin of activities from Egypt, and even Greece, you would be amazed at what being a "nun" represented and what "confession" truly was in pagan sexual worship. It's all messed up. To know the truth behind the Catholic Christian Church formation, please see my previous post, The Real Truth About Christmas.


Since Christianity had been branded "non-pagan", they (R.C.C) wanted to assume and exude a sense of "holiness" outwardly, but it was still exceedingly difficult to separate the Romans' from their true nature/identity.  So, to make it 'easy' and comfortable for the new Roman converts to Christianity, they let in a lot of their pagan rites and made them "holy".   You know,  like if you add 'holy' to a thing it 'automatically' makes it genuine, sinless, unquestionable, correct, appropriate and dare I say, set apart and sanctified. Kinda like The 'Holy' Catholic Church, The 'Holy' mother, 'Holy' father, 'Holy' child, 'Holy' Inquisition, you get...? Point is, the whole system didn't want to give up their Satanic practices. 

Truth is, the ultimate plot/design was to disguise as the real deal and infiltrate the whole plane/world with wickedness and corruption... Mostly, spreading Pagan ideals to set the heart of the inhabitants of the earth in worship of Satan and demons.

These people had nothing to do with the truth neither did they have any honest dealings with the Messiah's Taught Ones (Disciples/Followers)... they killed them! and some went into hiding. You need to understand that being a Christian then was highly Political and a thing needed to improve Societal Status and Influence... being on the good side of the Emperor NOT for the love or pursuit of the kingdom of YAH.  Although this isn't Popular News, but it is a fact that Christianity is responsible for most deaths recorded in the history of  Religion than any other groups including Islam. I will mention a few ways.

The Crusades, The 'holy' Inquisition, The Jesuit Genocides Worldwide, The Native Australian Genocides, The Native Indian Genocide, The Brazil Genocide, The Genocide in Syria, The massive Genocide in Africa, The Conquistadors, even Adolf Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan  (KKK) were Christian religiously motivated, and so on... Remember, Christianity spread their gospel by the sword and forced conversions... killed when faced with resistance.

In MattathYahu/MAtthew 10:14, MArku/Mark 6:11 and AurYah 9:5, The Messiah of Scriptures told his Disciples to dust off their sandals and leave a house or a city that refused the GOOD NEWS... not to force or kill them.  Do you still think Christianity is of the same root with the Messiah???

What does light have in common with darkness?

I digressed...

Changing the name of a Pagan ritual does not change the fact that it is still a Pagan ritual.

Can we briefly go over some social practices associated with Valentine's day and see if there are more commonalities with ancient Lupercalia and paganism as a whole?

And since this feast has been associated with 'Christianity',  we equally will search Scriptures to find any backing for it's celebration. 

Valentine Symbols

●The Red RoseOne would think the red rose was chosen because of it's exquisite beauty, but it isn't so. The red rose is associated with Venus, a Roman goddess of beauty, love, fertility, and prostitution.  Her equivalent in the Greek is AphroditeVenus is the mother of Cupid.

Point to note: This is not to insinuate that the red rose on it's own is evil.  Just, what is the coincidence that it randomly happened to be the favourite flower and symbol or representation of a pagan fertility deity as it concerns Valentine's day?

●Cupid: Cupid is more often portrayed as a 'baby' and most people are acquainted with this image all too well. But cupid is in fact, a pagan god and his counterpart in the Greek is Eros (the god of love and desire).

According to the "Myths" Cupid was the god of love. His parents were Venus (goddess of love and beauty) and Mercury (winged messenger of the gods).  He's depicted artistically as a beautiful, naked boy with a bow and a quiver of arrows. Cupid is said to play tricks on both mortals and gods... that he shoots his gold-tip arrows at both mortals and immortals, piercing their hearts, causing them to fall deeply in love. The painting of a pierced "heart(s)" is a representation of the Cupid god or Eros.

So... this chubby, pink-cheecked harmless cute little baby was an ancient pagan god. When you reference anything with these symbols, you are participating in pagan beliefs and honouring this deity whether you know it or not. 

Funny thing is, if you look up most customs and traditions today, you'll often find a pagan deity  associated with it.

This holiday which was re-branded as a Christian holiday has evolved into a "Secular" one today to enable it to be more reaching.  They want whole world to be part of it.

●Heart Shape: Things aren't always what they seem. Would it be a surprise to find out that the "heart-shape" depicting "love" today, and expressed a lot on Valentine's day has been in existence for  thousands of years and had nothing...  I mean, nothing to do with love, or  the heart, or feelings or emotions?

The "love/heart" symbol in the past, alluded to different meanings. But, the most common are;

1. Botanically: It represented the Silphium plant belonging to the genus Ferula.  With it's extracted medicinal condiments, it was used as a contraceptive and an outright abortion pill.  This was the abominable "family planning" of old.  Ancient silver coins from the 6th to 5th Century BC were found in Libya with the "heart" shape imprinted on it. 

Silphium Coin

Silphium Plant 

Another specie (a related Ferula) of this plant Asafoetida, served as an aphrodisiac used in some areas like India and Tibet. Really, this plant seems to have been somewhat common in Northern Africa and environs. Notably in the region around the Greek city of Kyrene in Northern Africa. 

It's also said that the Greeks before the Romans, made a lot of profit from this plant as they traded with this medicinal herb which served as a contraceptive as Greecians were really into "family planning".  Knowing that Greece was in Africa because of conquest, we can safely say, they learnt the use of these plant from the African natives... Libyans, Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians... At some point in Cyrene-Libya, it (Silphium) was worth as much as silver was.

Proof of this is on the coin found.

Obverse and reverse side of the silver kyrenaic coin of Silphium 

Kyrenaic coin of Silphium found in C.525 and C.480 BC

2. Anatomically: The metaphoric 'heart' could also depict a stylized depiction of a female body... like the breasts, the buttocks, the pubic mound, or the spread vulva. This might seem related to the botanical use... probably how this medication was administered. But there's more.

The Greeks in those times, praised a woman's beauty more if she was endowed with a rounded, curvy backside. So much, they attributed so much beauty to a woman's curved rear area. 

Thus, the lust for the beauty of Aphrodite grew so much because she had a great physic and a well rounded curvy rear.  They built a special temple in her honour called Aphrodite kallipygos which literally translates to "goddess with the beautiful buttocks" . This might have been the only Greek temple dedicated to "buttocks" worship. 

A professor of psychology who studied the symbolism, origin and history of Valentine's Day said 'the traditional double-lobed heart symbol on candy and cards is inspired by the shape of female buttocks as they appear from behind' according to Discovery News.

And you wonder why the world, led by "celebrities" is going crazy about butt implants and tedious exercises to achieve "the perfect" body and behind? 

3. Renaissance: It is a fact that during this period, a lot of things were turned over... white-washing of Scriptural  characters, Name changing, etc. It's in this period we see some "heart" reliefs found and explanations alluding to the crucifixion, sacred heart, and all.

A quick reminder of what the heart looks like.

The human heart is a fist-sized muscle with a rounded bottom, smooth sides, and a thick arch of blood vessels at the top. Harvard.health.edu

Did you know that these metaphorical "hearts" became popular a little while ago... like the 19th Century? 

It was used on Valentine boxes, on candy, to represent health and "life" in video games, in 1995 the American Heart Association introduced it to represent a heart-healthy food, and so on.  

Soon, the world started using it to express and represent  love and the heart.  Now, we have emojis' literally at our fingertips.

In Summary

 Facts About Valentine's day.

■ It was not originally a  Roman Christian "holy" festival. 

■ It is really not associated with Saint Valentine.

■ It originates from two of the most sexually perverted Roman festivals- Lupercalia and Juno Februata.

■ It has nothing to do with the display of platonic love... instead, it's lust fueled.

■ Stands to objectify women as objects of lust, desire and fertility. 

■ Was in the practice of child sex and defilement. 

■ Was done in honour of pagan deities. 

In 2021, what has changed?  Is this practice just like it was in those days... promoting all types of "modernized" fornication, debauchery, drunkenness, hardness of heart, wild partying, orgies and naked dressing?  This is our reality!

"There is Nothing New under the sun.Ecclesiastes 1:9

"The more things change, the more they stay the same." Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

Scriptures tells us that "by their fruit, you shall know them..."

"For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit..."  AurYah/Luke 6:43-45 & MattathYAHU/Matthew 7:16

What fruit has this System of corruption borne

The idea to walk around naked or dress seductively, sexual depravities like; paedophilia, bisexuality, homosexuality, transgenderism, transhumanism, etc. was birthed in paganism.  All you see going on is an enterprise with so much resources pumped into it.  "Celebrities" go all out to lure the world into this religious darkness of sensual helplessness. To lead us in the worship of Shatan/Satan  with our minds and bodies. They are selling a product... indeed.  But, Are you buying?

Does scriptures in anyway identify with these holidays?

No. The Most High had Feasts Days His people are supposed to observe and none of them involves any of these practices. See Uyaqra/Leviticus 23.

YaramYahu/Jeremiah 10:2

"Learn not the way of the heathen"

Kappa Rishon/ 1 Peter 4:6

"For the time already past is sufficient for you to have carried out the desire of the Gentiles, having pursued a course of sensuality, lusts, drunkenness, carousing, drinking parties and abominable idolatries."

Yahuknn/John 8:32

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"

These are but a few verses... scriptures expressly warns against these practices. 

In all things, seek YAHUAH and His True Son, YAHUSHA to guide you into all truth.


Your's Truly,

Favour Abam 







•A&E Television Network 

Feel free to email me at favyabam@gmail.com 


Favour Abam
I am a lover of YAHUAH. I love the truth and I don't shy away from believing and speaking it. I'm very passionate about this and it keeps my hope alive knowing that I have been given a chance to unlearn what I was taught to be true and re-learn what is really true all over... with patience and diligence, in humilty. For this, I'm grateful.

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