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I had put blogging on hold for a while because the thoughts in my mind are totally different and perspectives have changed. I'll try to share bit by bit as the Spirit of the Most High will lead me.

I knew at the back of my mind, although I had no proof, that lies are being taught to us by the World System and the so-called "education"...even the Churches are a part of these scheming.
I wish I was speaking, because there's so much to write!

The ONLY backing I had were the Scriptures. But with the way the system of things are eerie, even the Scriptures are not enough to prove anything to society or anyone except with the backing of science. When infact, it  should be the other way around.

I really don't know how to put this off gently but, the Religious Systems of this world (it doesn't matter the sect or denomination) are all deeply rooted in Paganism.

If you would love to know the truth, please keep reading. If not, you can shut the page and continue in the way you were going.
The Truth is bitter but, it WILL set you FREE, just like the Scripture says.

I'll start quickly with the history of Religion.
Just to be clear, the truth is hidden among the lies and cover-ups and is being let out subliminally. This is to keep world swimming in lies and drenched in deceit (especially the children of the Most High), "beating about the bush" and never achieving any true and meaningful connection with our Creator and His True Son.

So, the history of religion officially begins with a man named Nimrod. He was seen as a "demi-god" of some sort, a mighty hunter in defiance to the Creator.
The book of Genesis didn't tell much about him, but the book of Jasher did. Yes, it's scripture too. It was referenced more than once in the approved Bible that has been in circulation. See Joshua 10:13 and 2Samuel 1:18.
I don't want to go deep into the Scriptures selection and why they were taken out of the Original King James Version of 1611 or of the ones that didn't even make it to the Original King James Version. Maybe, I'll do that subsequently.

But the story of Nimrod is one which is shrouded in idolatry, incest, brutality, murder, wickedness unimaginable. The book of Jasher is explicit about this.

He (Nimrod) later was killed by Shem's seed.

Nimrod was the son of Kush/Cush, grandson of Ham, great-grandson of Noah...

After his death, his wife, who was also his mother (...think about that) claimed he ascended to the sun and was shinning down on them. 
She also claimed she was having a virgin birth, that she conceived miraculously by the "rays of Nimrod" from the "sun" and that it was a fulfillment of prophesy. This earned him (Nimrod) the revered title of "father-god." 

Amongst the things she claimed, she declared she was supernatural too, and that she descended from the moon in a giant egg which landed in the Euphrates river and birthed her.  Hence, the Easter eggs and all of that. She's celebrated as the "mother-god" aka Madonna, queen of heaven, Ishtar, etc.

She bore a son, Tammuz who was tragically devoured by a wild pig (that's why pig is also eaten on Easter to celebrate) and he is regarded as the "son-god" (re-born).

Hence the structure;

        - father-god
        - mother-god
        - son-god (re-born)
           (The Trinity)

This "TRI" system has been replicated throughout history and in different civilizations.

Because it had become exceedingly difficult to communicate since the Most High brought confusion upon all men and upon their language at the time of the destruction of the tower of Babel, the only way to communicate for centuries has been through symbolisms.
So yes! This same system of worship has been duplicated in different civilizations only with different names and identities to suit culture and language peculiarities... It's the same father-god, mother-god and son-god order.

In ancient Egypt;
   - Ra
   - Isis
   - Horus

In Greece;
   - Zeus
   - Artemis
   - Adonis

In Rome;
   - Jupiter
   - Diana
   - Apollo

In Nordic
   - Odin
   - Joro
   - Thor

In Hindu;
   - Vishnu
   - Chandra
   - Krishna

Roman Catholic:( the beast system... the little horn that uprooted three horns before it)
   - God
   - Virgin Mary
   - Jesus

   - Lucifer
   - Goddess Diana
   - Antichrist

As you can see, it's pretty consistent. The New World Order is vying for a One-language system (just like it was when the they were building the tower of Babel- Gen 11) and a One-Religion system... building/setting up "Ecumenical" centres at strategic places and blurring the lines of the truth about THE ONLY WAY to Salvation/The Father which is through the True SON... The Messiah. 

You see, you cannot merge a "worship" system except they were and are really the same thing indeed!

They say they want "world peace" but it's really them creating war, causing destruction and chaos so they can profer a solution that has been pre-planned.
They say "order out of chaos " and "Phoenix rising out of the ashes",etc.

They call for world peace and for Nations to come together to fight a "common" enemy- the so-called Aliens (which are really demons and the seeds of the fallen ones) which they have been secretly prepping in laboratories for many, many years as clones, robotoids, hybrid of some sorts ( as well as humans through Mk ultra,the Mandela effect, etc.)
Mixing DNAs with all sorts of creatures. Human, beasts, fishes, trees, you name it. They subliminally show you these on their control tools- The Screens (TV, computers, phones,etc.) and you smile and call it entertainment.

And so, it's the days of Noah all over again... so many centuries and nothing has changed. Nothing new under the sun!
You might call this a conspiracy theory. But you should start questioning everything!

Satan knows only how to steal, kill and destroy. He perverts things and is and has been posing as a righteous person (an Angel of light), sending his wicked agents to stand in place thousands of years before the birth of the True Messiah, knowing it had been prophesied that he was coming from the beginning (Genesis 3:15).
He schemed and kept religious systems running to mislead and draw people away from the truth.

Worst of all, was to blend lies with the truth and make it even more difficult for people to do without the other. They achieved this by blending True Scriptures with paganism and traditions of men through the Roman Catholic church- the mother of harlots aka the beast system of Revelations.

Emperor Constantine, a Roman Pagan Sun worshipper, looking for power and political control said he saw a cross in a vision with a message "in this cross, we conquer"  and Christianity was birthed (when in fact, the Messiah was hung on a tree. See Acts 5:30, 1Peter 2:24, Acts 10:39)
Yet it's so convenient for the believer to accept this when the message of Salvation is supposed to be one of peace. The Messiah even told His Taught Ones (disciples) to dust their slippers/feet and leave a house or a city that rejects the Message of Truth. But was this how Christianity was spread?

Would you want to know the truth of how the Christianity gospel was spread?

Because this post is too lengthy, I will continue on the next post.
There's just so much.
I will love you to share your thoughts too based on the scripture. I encourage you to do your research too.

Thanks for reading.

The Most High bless you!

Your's truly,
Favour Abam


Favour Abam
I am a lover of YAHUAH. I love the truth and I don't shy away from believing and speaking it. I'm very passionate about this and it keeps my hope alive knowing that I have been given a chance to unlearn what I was taught to be true and re-learn what is really true all over... with patience and diligence, in humilty. For this, I'm grateful.

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