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Who would ever think to question "The most wonderful time of the year?" remember that song featured in the movie released in December of 1990, "Home Alone"?   Indeed it is the most "wonderful" time of the year.   So wonderful, merchants struggle all through the year and set aside bountiful profits just to make it "memorable"... families re-unite, entertainment shows and parties spring up everywhere, Christian churches stage special programs, non-religious organizations shutdown, even nations wrap up the year and mass up for it's celebration. 

One would assert that this season is indeed a proof of the birth of everlasting love, the birth of THE ONE who gave up His Life for the world, the birth of the man "JESUS CHRIST" who indeed is the reason for the season. But is this in fact True?  How much do we know about the real birth of our Messiah of scripture who's Name is YAHUSHA HA' MASHAYAKH? And how can we reconcile it's affiliation with this "popular Holiday?" 

We will be discussing these in this post.

The very first time and certainly not the last that I didn't celebrate Christmas was two years ago. I knew someday, I would have to share my reasons but I just didn't know when or how to begin... my family and friends wouldn't even give me a chance.  One day, it dawned on me that this platform is a great tool. 

So let's begin.... 

What is Christmas? 

According to several scholars, "Christmas" is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.  It is a celebration that involves sharing of food and gift items, gift giving from persons dressed as "Santa Claus", singing of Christmas carols, cutting of Yule logs and decorating the Christmas tree with ornaments, berries and beautiful lighting as well as the displaying of mistletoe, wreaths, ivy, boughs of holly, etc.   It is celebrated on the 25th of December of every year, allegedly so, to remind Christians of the birth of the Messiah.

Even though so far, everything in the immediate paragraph has absolutely nothing to do with the Messiah of scriptures, the pop culture celebrates "His" birth in this way... could it be that they are just being carried away with the celebrations and have innocently invented traditions out of nothing? Or is the reason for the season about something/someone else entirely... like the birth of pagan god(s) disguised  as "The Christ"?

Think about it...

While it doesn't seem physically hurtful to partake in this celebration superficially, I often get tonnes of arguments on the justification of whether it should be celebrated or not.  So I searched the Scriptures, at least to satisfy my curiosity and justify my participation in it's celebration.  But to my dismay, I found none... not one verse of the Scripture endorsing/backing this celebration.  Instead, I came across verses warning against it's practice.   I was hurt, disappointed in myself and felt betrayed by the entire Christian Church system.  So, I began my research in quest for some answers and believe me, I found answers with all roads leading to Babylon...

Background To Babylon

It began with the birth of Tammuz son of Nimrod, a king in Babylon (I covered some of the tales about Nimrod in previous posts, please look it up alongside the book of Yashar /Jasher chapter 8).  

Nimrod was mighty and wicked on the face of the Earth.  He was the son of Kush/Cush, grandson of Ham and great-grandson of Noah (Barashyth/Genesis 10:8-10). 

He led the people to build the Tower of Babel/Babal in rebellion to the Most High and he was seen as a demi-god and worshipped by many as the "sun god."  Besides his might and the size of his mighty stature, there was more as to why he was worshipped.

While much wasn't told about his (Nimrod's) post-death era in Scriptures (Bible), Babylonian "mythology" has it that after his death, his adulterous wife Semiramis who was also his mother, beguiled the people into believing that Nimrod had been appearing to her as an "ever-green tree."  And in this case, he appeared to her in spirit as rays from the "SUN" and impregnated her. Therewhich, she claimed an immaculate conception, an out-of-the-ordinary "divine" birth. Then her son “Tammuz” which she bare as a result of this "encounter", became Nimrod-re-born.  From thence, the worship of Tammuz begun as "The Sun god re-born" and the concept of the "Trinity" was birthed; Father-god, Mother-god and Son-god reborn.  

All of these plotting and scheming was to keep the worship of Molech/Satan and Nimrod going... also, her (Semiramis) relevance in power long after his (Nimrod's) death.  It was Satan and his fallen ones they had been worshipping, sacrificing children to and operating in rebellion with. Semiramis gained the title of  "Queen of heaven" and she and Tammuz, the original "Madonna and child."

This "triad" system has been replicated throughout history and in different cultures and civilizations. 

According to an ancient Jewish tradition, it was Noah's righteous son Shem, who slew Nimrod and distributed his body parts throughout the land of Shinar to prove he was still flesh and blood and to pass a strong message that anyone who revolts against The Most High and encourages the people to do same, will be brought down.  This same story of how Nimrod was killed is told of those who represent the same character of Nimrod in other civilizations, undoubtedly like Osiris of Egypt... confirms that Nimrod had one of the most gruesome deaths ever recorded. 

Did the Bible gloss over his death? Or were those books intentionally taken out?  

There was one mention of a similar story in Judges 19:29 where a Levite had to cut in twelve pieces his concubine's flesh and bones with a knife to distribute each piece to the twelve tribes of Yashar'Al after she was raped and killed by the men of Belial in the Town of Banyamayan/Benjamin.  In verse 30, it was said that "no deed had been done nor seen from the day that the children of YasharAl came up out of the land of Matsaraym/Egypt until this day." This means it had happened before and this Levite, had learned the idea from a past event. Remember, at this time in history, it was from Babylon to Egypt.  "...Nothing new under the sun." Eccl 1:9.

Another record and fore-telling of Nimrod's death is in Yashar/Jasher 27:7&16. Although here, he was killed by Shem's seed... His head was cut off. Basic points in this is the correlation;

1. He was killed.

2. His body was dismembered. 

According to their ancient mythology, his wife and mother (same person) Semiramis, gathered his body parts from all of the kingdom, but one piece of his body was missing and could not be found. That piece was his phallic... his penis. 

As a memorial, they began the erections of obelisks in penis-like structures everywhere in their dominion from one civilization to the next. You can see these obelisks/phallic symbols everywhere you turn, from Egypt to Greece, to Rome, to christian church' steeples with the Tammuz cross (T ) above it, to mosques, to pagan systems like the Buddhists temples, to elegant extremely tall buildings in mega cities, to the Vatican, to the white house, etc... female genitals structures too were built.

The White House,  Washington DC 

                        The Vatican, Rome.


Because YAHUAH confused the language when He destroyed the tower of Babel, communication became difficult... as civilization continued, names of deities were changed for cultural and language differences, but the "triad" structure remained the same.  Soon, they resorted to Symbolisms and spread from Babylon to Egypt to Greece and then, to Rome

Knowing that YAH was set to bring His Son, the enemy (Ha' Shatan/Satan) went ahead to present himself and his seed thousands of years before the Messiah was born... just to bring confusion, and deceive all men.

This is how the trinity replicated and spread... same god, different names/titles.

In Babylon; Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz. 

In Egypt; Osiris, Isis and Horus

In Greece; Zeus, Artemis and Adonis

In Nordic; Odin, Joro and Thor

In Hindu; Vishnu, Chandra and Krishna

In Luciferian; Lucifer, Goddess Diana  and the antichrist 

In Rome; Jupiter, Diana and Apollo 

In Roman Catholic; God, Virgin Mary and Jesus, etc.

Back to the birth of Nimrod and Tammuz...

With the birth date of Nimrod and the reborn (Tammuz) being 25th December, this celebration began to find it's way through every religion and "mythology" which by the way, are one and the same.   

These are the names of pagan gods recorded to be  born/celebrated on and around the 25th of December.

Tammuz, Horus, Osiris, Attis, Mithras, Dionysus, Heracles, Adonis, Pegasus, Saturn, etc.

"Long before the 4th century and long before the Christian era itself, a festival was celebrated among the heathen at that precise time of the year in honour of the birth of the son of a Babylonian queen of heaven, and it may fairly be presumed that in order to conciliate the heathen and to swell the number of the nominal adherence of Christianity, the same festival was adopted by the Roman Church giving it only the name of Christ adopted the same festival."  by Alexander Hislop, in his book "The Two Babylons" pg 68.

Did you know that Christmas Eve (the night before Christmas) is celebrated in honour of his mother who also goes by the name, Astarte, Ishtar, etc.?

"That christmas was originally a pagan festival is beyond all doubt. The time of the year, and the cermonies, with which it is still celebrated, prove it's origin. In Egypt, son of Isis, the Egyptian title for 'queen of heaven', was born at this very time, 'about the time of the winter solstice.' The very name by which christmas is popularly known among us -Yule day- proves at once it's pagan and Babylonian origin. Yule is the Chaldee name for an 'infant's or 'little child'; and as the 25th of December was called by our Anglo-Saxon ancestors, 'Yule-day', or the 'child's day's, and the night that preceeded it, 'mother-night', long before they came in contact with Christianity, that sufficiently proves it's real characters. Far and wide, in the realms of Paganism, was this birthday observed." 

Dr. Hislop's "The Two Babylons" pages 93 and 94.

"Yule" is a Babylonian word for "little child" or "infant

When you send out "yuletide" greetings, you are acknowledging the birth of Nimrod.

Now, you understand why "Christmas Eve" is a big deal.

Just a wonder! Is it a surprise or a coincidence that all religions and cultures worship/honour a "mother goddess" aka "queen of heaven", including the Roman Catholic Church? 

Let's try to unravel the mystery about "Mary" quickly and why it is so.


Did you know that Semiramis, the wife and mother of Nimrod (worshipped as the moon goddess) goes by the names; Isis, Artemis, Diana, Joro, Chandra, Afrodites, Ishtar, Easter, Queen of Heaven, mother of god? 

Though her name has been changed and adapted by civilizations that followed, it's one and the same character.

Do you recall that Scripture actually warned against her worship? 

"...The Children gather wood, the Fathers light the fire and the women knead the dough and make cakes of bread for the QUEEN of HEAVEN. They pour out drinks to other deities to provoke me to anger..."

(YaramYahu/Jeremiah 7:16-20 & 44:17-25)

If this is clearly abominable, what then is the meaning of "The Assumption of Mary"? Was Mary (The virgin who bore The Messiah) ever called "Queen of Heaven" and "Mother of god" in Scriptures? 

Is it a coincidence, or could the "Mary" who birthed the Messiah, YAHUSHA and the "queen mother of heaven" be the exact/same person?  Or did the Roman Catholic church purposefully fuse these separate characters in one as a good-enough-excuse-tool for idolatry?

Yes indeed. The continuance of the worship of Semiramis had to keep going by hook or crook. So,  masking her "royal wickedness" with the real virgin Mary made is possible for men to be beguiled and seduced into her worship for inexcusable sentimental reasons because the real virgin that birth the Messiah of scriptures should not be idolized either.

If YAH gave her (Mary) a virgin birth, is it impossible for Him to create the world without having a wife? 

Who made "Mary" a queen in Heaven? and why do men still lust after such worship? 

And if YAHUAH wanted us to worship other ones, He would have expressly stated it, but He extremely detest these things.  Worrisome, is that the "trio" order; Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz (See Tammuz in Ya'qhazak'Al/Ezekiel 8:14 -16) are worshipped in almost every religion as "The Trinity" with the same or nearly the same tale of a "virgin" birth because of the wickedness and lies of Semiramis.

To clear the air; The Father, The Messiah and The Ruk Ha' Qadush (Made-Apart Spirit) are Not 3 persons in one as Christianity teaches, but ONE Being in three substances. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of THE FATHER and NOT of a feminine root as the Roman Catholic Church  make it out to be (they are referring to something/one else as you can now tell).

(I'll cover this subsequently).   

I digressed....

If Christmas is indeed a celebration of the birth of the son of a Babylonian "queen of heaven", how then did it come to be associated with the birth of the True Messiah?   The Roman Catholic Church i.e founders of Christianity clearly admit that this celebration was borrowed from a pagan tradition...

"Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the church... the first evidence of the feast is from Egypt

Catholic Encyclopedia, 1911

With clear evidence that the Roman Catholic Church knew this, why then did they go on to infuse this festival into Christianity and advocate it's celebration year in, year out?  The answer is simple-Christianity is pagan and in fact, "SUN WORSHIP".  I mean they have nothing to hide anymore.  If they could take the Scriptures of our Father, YAH and mix it with paganism, then comfortably try to change the Sabbath from the 7th day to "sun worship day" (Sunday), why wouldn’t they be comfortable celebrating the birth of the "sun" in their man made religion?  It is clearly admitted by Roman Catholicism, that the celebration of Christmas was borrowed from Egypt to Rome (Christianity) which implies that the celebration was not and should not be associated with the worship of YAHUAH.   

Look at the similarities below of worship from Babylon to Egypt and then, to Rome. 

But is this all? Let’s find out from more sources… 


The myths of death and rebirth have always been associated with the cycle of agricultural seasons. In Egypt it was the inundation of the Nile, but elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere which constitutes most of the Earth's land mass, it was about the DEATH AND REBIRTH OF THE SUN. The winter solstice used to be on 25 December and people have always held a festival at that time because they knew that the days would start to get longer” 

The True meaning of Christmas by Annu Mundi books, annomundi.com/bible/Christmas.

After the decline of Babylon, the religion (of worshipping Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz) was transported to Egypt where the trio were worshipped as Osiris (Nimrod), Isis (Semiramis) and Horus (Tammuz).  It was believed in Egyptian mythology that Osiris (Nimrod) was mysteriously able to give the seed of procreation even after death, so that the child-god Horus was born.   Horus became “the Sun god re-born” and celebrated throughout Egypt during the winter solstice, precisely around December 25th.  Concerning this feast, a Catholic priest by the name Joseph McCabe stated in The Story of Religious Controversy;

“Whatever we make of the original myth…Isis seems to have been originally a virgin (or, perhaps, sexless) goddess, and in the later period of Egyptian religion she was again considered a virgin goddess, demanding very strict abstinence from her devotees. It is at this period, apparently, that the birthday of Horus was annually celebrated, about December 25th, in the temples. As both Macrobius and the Christian writer [of the “Paschal Chronicle”] say, a figure of Horus as a baby was laid in a manger, in a scenic reconstruction of a stable, and a statue of Isis was placed beside it.  Horus was, in a sense, the Savior of mankind. He was their avenger against the powers of darkness; he was the light of the world. HIS BIRTH-FESTIVAL WAS A REAL CHRISTMAS BEFORE CHRIST.”

Another confirmation that this celebration was an ancient practice in Egypt is that of John Gardner Wilkinson, a writer and pioneer of Egyptologist also known as ‘the father of British Egyptology’. He remarked:

“At the festival of the god his bark was borne in solemn procession round the walls of the temple of Sokaris…. The festival was connected with the winter solstice, with the “little SUN,” as the Egyptians called it at that time. In the Ptolemaic period it fell on the morning of the 26th of Khoiak (22nd December), while in earlier times it would seem to have been held in the evening….”

In other words, Horus and Sokaris both known as re-born sun gods in Egypt, were celebrated around this period long before the "Christ" or the “Christian Era”.  Sokaris was recorded to have been born around 1400 BC.  Although there isn’t a clear record as to the exact year Horus was born but, Pyramid texts records Horus as Praah/Pharaoh between 2400 – 2300 BC.  These pre-dates the birth of our Messiah of Scripture.

It is but vain to blindly contend that the virgin birth of the Messiah had not been initially simulated by the devil to easily trick people into “religion” and not the original worship of YAH.  This is why it has become easy for people to assert that all religions worship the same god but with different representations.  It is in fact true because, “Religion” is ONE but replicated differently across several traditions and civilizations. 

On the contrary, the worship of YAH, is NOT a religion, but the approved way of life for the children of YasharAL which was handed from Mushah/Moses to them... it became a movement furthered by the Messiah and His Apostles... spreading the GoodNews of Salvation that is come to all who believes and turns away from their sins (repentance).


Serapis, also known as Serapis Christus, a Greco-Egyptian deity of the sun was first encountered at Memphis where this cult was celebrated in association with the sacred Egyptian Bull, Apis (Osorapis when deceased). He was originally venerated as the god of the underworld but was reintroduced as a new deity with many Hellenic aspects by Ptolemy I Soter (reigned from 305 to 284 B.C.E) who centred on the worship of Serapis at Alexandria. By Encyclopedia Britannica. 

Greeks blended seed with Egyptians and gradually, Serapis was not only revered as a sun god (Zeus Serapis), but as Lord of fertility and healing, later established in Rome and throughout the Mediterranean. His cult statue is represented as a bearded figure regally enthroned, with his right hand resting in Cerberus (a three-headed dog wrapped with a serpent, who is said to guard the gate to the underworld).

Serapis was so celebrated during the winter solstice.


“December 25th is referred to in documents as 'Christmas day' in AD324 for the first time...”

Warner Keller “The Bible as History”

This was around the period of reign of the Roman Emperor, Constantine the great. Need I remind you that Constantine ruled from AD306 to AD337?  and that he merged all religions during his time to become what is now practiced as “Christianity”?

 Did you know that one side of Constantine’s coin (currency) had the image of Sol Invictus (a sun god worshipped in Rome)?   

Did you also know that December 25th in ancient Rome was known as “Dies Natalis Solis Invictus” which translates to “BIRTH OF THE UNCONQUERED SUN”? Is this further narrowing on whom this celebrations are truly about?

Constantine the Great was the world’s first Christian Emperor. But he didn’t start out that way...Ruling from A.D. 307 to 337, Constantine began his reign as a worshiper of Sol Invictus, “The Unconquerable Sun.” But after a vision of the Cross led to him to victory in battle and his subsequent rise to being crowned the sole Emperor of the Roman Empire, Constantine literally “saw the light” and shifted his beliefs…He merged the worship of Sol Invictus and Christ, creating religious practices still observed by modern-day Christians like observing Christmas on December 25th and celebrating Easter to the first Sunday after the first full moon of the vernal equinox. He also authorized the striking of this bronze Nummus coin – the first true coin of a Christian Empire, and thus the most important coin of Christian history. We recently located a cache of these 1,600-year-old coins, each featuring Sol Invictus on its obverse. This was a savvy move by Constantine, who was converting the Roman Empire to Christianity with a merging of religions...Constantine used the image of Sol Invictus to spread the Christian gospel, this is truly the first coin of Jesus Christ!

(AD 307–337 Ancient Roman Bronze Nummus of Constantine The Great Sol Invictus NGC VF, Govmint.com)

Image of Constantine on one side of his coin and Sol invictus on the obverse

Also, December 25th (Christmas day) in Rome was first practiced during two major festivals i.e Saturnalia, celebrated in reverence to Saturn (a deity of agriculture) and Mithraism, celebrated in reverence to Mithras (a sun deity), before Constantine mixed it with the birth of YAHUSHA.

“Under Roman Emperor, Justinian in the 6th century AD, as an official holiday, an old Roman festival played a major part in the choice of this particular day”

Warner Keller “The Bible as History”

An Old Roman festival played a MAJOR part??!

The festival Saturnalia kept to honour the deity “Saturn”, was originally held for one week i.e from 17th through to 23rd December.  During this time, sacrifices were made in the Saturn temple along with a public banquet.  There were also "private gift giving", continual partying, gambling and carnivals.   Similarly, in ancient Mithraism, 25th December gave homage to Mithras, a sun deity.  This was practiced from the 1st to 4th century AD.

“Before long, the Emperor Aurelian established a temple for the “Unconquerable SUN” as a central and focal point of the entire religious system of Rome…The birth date of the deity was to be observed into December 25th and thus transformed into what is commonly known as Christmas”

Michael Grant “History of Rome”

“In the fifth century the Western Church ordered the feast (Christmas) to be celebrated forever on the day of the Mithraic rites of the birth of the SUN and at the close of the Saturnalia, as no certain knowledge of the day of Christ’s birth existed.”

Encyclopaedia Americana, 1956 Edition

But is that all?

In ancient Rome, there was a festival called 'Brumalia' which honoured and gave homage to their deities; Saturn, Cronus, Ceres, Demeter and Bacchus (the Roman deity of wine). By the Byzantine era, celebrations went on from November 25th to December 23rd (later reshuffled to 25th of December) with feasting, meriments, and sacrificing of pigs to idols. See 'Roman Solstice Celebrations' published by History and Archeology online.

All of these gave rise to a more contemporary celebration, 'yule.'  It is a Wiccan celebration from 20th through 23rd of December in honour of the "rebirthing of the sun."  Although, it was  observed by Germanic people to pay homage to "Odin" the 'god of death',  among several others. This is one of 8th of the festival of wiccans during this time... all about diabolism, magic, burn fires, potlocks and feastings.

Shouldn't it, at this point be alarming, for "Christians" NOT to see that everything about the religion of Christianity revolves round THE SUN (sun worship)

There is a thin line or should I rather say, a blurred line between paganism and religion because it's the same system only, with names changed... you know, like in the concept of thee"trinity" which goes way back to Nimrod-Semiramis-Tammuz, then to Osiris-Isis-Horus, then to... etc. 

To further prove their "oneness"... Are there words or terminologies that are generally accepted by these religious/pagan groups?

Let's look at a few. Did you know that the words "god", "lord", "amen", and "jesus christ" links to sun deities (baal)

Let's look at Hebrew's Strong's Concordance

God and Lord

Strong's H1167 = Baal, meaning; owner, lord 

Strong's H1171 = Baal Gad or Baal of Fortune.  Phonetic spelling = Baal Gawd (pronounced Baal god)

Strong's H1408 = Gad, meaning; Fortune, a Babylonian deity.

Strong's H1409 = Gad, meaning; Fortune, a good fortune, Troop. Phonetic spelling = Gawd, also spelt Guwd, (pronounced God). Referenced in YashaYahu/Isaiah 65:11 as quoted below.

"But you are those who forsake the ALUAH, who forget my made apart mountain, who prepare a table for Gad, and who furnish a drink offering for Meni" (NKJV)

"But ye are they that forsake the ALUAH, that forget my made apart mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that furnish the drink offering unto that number" (KJV)

"But you who forsake the ALUAH, who forget my made apart mountain, who set a table for Fortune, and who fill cups mixed with wine for destiny" (NASB)

Do you see that "Gad", a Babylonian deity (pronounced God) is defined as "troop" or "fortune" and the 3 translations above confirms that YAH abhors such worship to deities? 

Some other scholars translates Baal as a "master".  So, if Baal means lord (master) and Gad, likened as God, how less difficult it is now, for us to see that Baal Gad means “Lord God”? 

Baal Gad or Baal of fortune also known as “Bel”, a SUN DEITY, also referred to as Satan? (see "Does Baal Gad mean Lord God of Christianity" by Donald Adkins).  Though we may never have intentionally meant it, but when we called "lord god", but we were literally saying "master satan". The Most High can cannot share a name with Satan.

It is irrelevant whether the spelling of the names are with "CAPITAL" or "small letters", as some excuse that the Most High's 'god' is written with a big "G" and not a small "g" to differentiate but it's just a lie of the devil.  Truth is, how ever written, the pronunciation and meaning, remains the same.

So... why do we call our Father in heaven the same names we call deities when Scriptures says we are clearly not to do so? (Shama'uth/Exodus 23:13, Hushah/Hosea 2:16 - end, YaramYahu/Jeremiah 23:27).  

At least in every religion the worshippers know the names of the ones they worship even though sometimes they use the words "lord" and "god" as titles for their deities. But, do 'Christians' know the name of the one whom they seek to worship? (Mashalym/Proverbs 30:4, Thahlym/psalms 68:4)

Have you checked the "preface" of your bible to see what is hidden in it? Yes, I mean hidden in plain sight.  Your translators openly told you that the words “lord”, “god” "eloah", etc. were used as titles to replace the Name of our Father.  Isn’t that some wickedness? Why would someone who loves the truth hide the true NAME of our Creator and His Son from you? The ONLY Name given in heaven and on earth through which men may be saved???!

The Name is written “YHUH”, (YHVH) in Modern Hebrew and pronounced “YAHUAH” (NOT YAHWEH OR YEHOVAH OR JEHOVAH). More to come on this...


About Amen

Amen is said to mean "truly" or "so be it" in Christianity, Islamic and Judaism religions, but should the word "Amen" be used at the end of prayers for a believer in YAHUAH? Does it's alleged meaning to be, "so be it" infact true? Or does it give honour to an ancient pagan deity?

Let's see...

Amen Ra is a hidden Theban god of the wind and fertility. And was considered most important above all of the gods of Egypt. "Amen" being his name and "Ra" meaning Lord.  So, Amen ra= lord Amen.

"Amen was an ancient Egyptian deity, first a local deity worshipped in the area of Thebbes.  When the two kingdoms of Egypt united, early in Egyptian history, he grew in importance until he emerged as the chief deity.  This did not take place until the 18th dynasty (1570 - 1293 BC).  Amen means "That which cannot be seen".....As was often the case in Egyptian religion, this god was often combined with others thus pleasing to the worshippers of those deities.  Especially effective was the combination with "Ra" the sun god..." 

-Truth for Africa lovers

In other words "Amen" or "Amen -Ra" is "an Egyptian Sun Deity".  

Amen ra wearing the 'fish' mitre holding the ankh (cross) and the staff... just like the pope. 

Is fish far-reaching? Take a close look at these images. 

How is it that the word "Amen" is the same name of an Egyptian deity worshiped by many even to this day, yet associated with the worship of our Father in heaven?  

Let’s find out the root words from Hebrews Strong's Concordance which mean "so be it" or "it is so"

Strong's H543= Amn, word origin "Amanu", meaning truly/verily

The word 'Amn' combines the 'Hebrew' letters 'Al(ph)', 'mam' and 'nun'

Strong's H539= Amanu, word origin; of primitive root, meaning; to confirm,verified, believe, truly.

If the prime word is "Amanu" in ancient hebrew and NOT "Amen" then it should naturally say "Amanu" meaning "truly", "verily" or "so be it" and not "Amen".  Remember, Ancient Hebrew has no letter "E".  More so, would it hurt to respect the original word and just leave it the way it was supposed to be or just say "so be it" as so many words were translated?  

Also, notice the word "Amen" is present in almost every modern religion, always said in unison and in agreement, and most times, repeatedly as if in conjuring? 

Knowing now that it bears the name of a "sun deity", do you think YAH would be pleased to have us mention it? 

"And in all that I have said to you, be circumspect and make no mention of the names of other deities nor let it be heard from your mouth."  Shama'uth/Exodus 23:13.

If Amanu is "too difficult" to pronounce, would it hurt to just say "so be it" at the end of prayers? Do you see how Christianity leads us away from the ways of our Father?

About Similar Practices

1) Prayers

Modern-day religions pray multiple times a day as a fixed and unbreakable rule.  Christians of the Catholic Church faith would observe seven prayers daily, a Muslim would observe five prayers daily and a "Jewish" will observe three prayers daily... all ending their prayers with "Amen."

2) Beads

All known pagan/religion today employ the use of a prayer bead to repeat/recite/chant the same perculiar 'prayers' over and over again... From the Buddhist, to the Wiccan, Catholic, Muslim, Hinduist, etc. 

3) Idolatry 

All religions focus on something "molded", "crafted" or "painted" in worship or in prayer to honour. 

“And YAHUAH shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and stone.” Dabarym/Deuteronomy 28:64

“And there ye shall serve gods, the work of men's hands, wood and stone, which neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell.” Dabarym/Deuteronomy 4:28

Examples of wood and stone; The Cross, graven imagesAncient relics, 'Jerusalem Temple wall', Islamic black stone (kaaba), crafted images of dead 'saints', etc.

Don't say to yourself that Christianity is not a religion because that is deceitful. Christianity is a religion and when ever you fill a form, you quickly fill in "Christianity" at the point where religion is requested. Don't you?

Also, your church may not have a steeple/phallic representation or even images or paintings of a "white" or "black" Jesus, but they have a cross symbol on the altar and they wear it, and they respect it. These are all forms of idolatry. 

Just to be clear, the Messiah was hung on a tree NOT a cross. See Acts 5:30, Acts 10:39, Yahuknn/John 19:31(New Living Translation), Dabarym/Deuteronomy 21:22-23, Yahusha/Joshua 8:29, 10:26.

Strong's Greek 4716 is registered 'Stauros' which translates to an upright pole or a stake. But, the translators replaced this with the 'cross' easily at every point throughout the "New Testament."  Truth is, crosses have existed for thousands of years in all civilizations and are used for diabolical purposes.

Shama'uth/Exodus 20:1-6

And YAHUAH spake all these words, saying,

I am YAHUAH thy Sovereign which have brought thee out of the land of Matsarym/Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the ALUAH  am a jealous ALAHYM/ELOHYM, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

4) Superstitions

'Hamsa Hand', 'Hand of Fatima' or 'Hand of Mary' is a hand-shaped  talisman with "one eye" in it's centre  used in Christianity, Islamic and Judaism religions to "ward off the evil eye"

Hamsa is an amulet or talismanic symbol that people believed to protect them from harm against evil forces. The Hamsa Hand or Hand of Fatima is an ancient Middle Eastern talisman. They are used used even in marriage contracts.

I'm trusting that you're seeing clearly with your eyes wide open as the names "Fatima" who is supposed to be Mohammed's wife and "Mary" are being used interchangeably for the same purpose?

You still think it's a coincidence?

Did you know that the Islamic religion was created by the Roman Catholic Church? (More on that in my subsequent posts)

The Pope is merging religions again as Emperor Constantine did back then, and you think he could just make it happen if they weren't already one and the same thing as it was back then?

Before Constantine did a merging in 321A.D, Greece had merged with the religions of Egypt hundreds of years before Rome was in power and Rome enjoyed the pleasures of Greecian deities along with their's.

According to Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, 1910, Vol 7, Pg 506.

"Various objects, dating from periods long interior to the Christian era, have been found marked with 'crosses' of different designs in almost every part of the world. India, Syria, Persia and Egypt have all yielded numberless examples of numerous instances dating from the later stone age to Christian times have been found in nearly every part of Europe. The use of 'cross' is a religious symbol in pre-christian times and among non-christian peoples may probably be regarded as almost universal and in many different cases, it was connected with some form of Nature Worship."

Serapis emerged as "sun god" with the merging of Egyptian and Greek gods to continue with paganism as as power changed hands.

Again... "Nothing new under the sun." Eccl 1:9.

History repeated itself with the killings and destructions of major ancient pagan temples to form the Christian religion led by Rome and their adopted pagan god, "Jesus Christ" who was disguised as the real deal because they knew the real deal had walked the earth... they quickly wanted to pose as Him.

Now, power is about to change hands... as you know. When it comes to the interpretation of Nebucchadnezzar's dream of the "head of gold" statue, Danay'Al/Daniel told him, and we understand that the legs of iron symbolized Rome. The feet was made of iron mixed with clay... so that even after Rome's time was "over", Rome's influence is still visible in the "feet era" which we currently are in.

They will try to merge religions with the "One World Systems" again. They will scheme and kill but it will not come to pass according to the Word of YAHUAH. In the concluding part of Danay'Al's interpretation, a 'rock' will come down from heaven and strike at "this feet" destroying it and all the other parts of the statue, turning them to chaff, and a wind will blow them away to nothingness. This rock will grow like a mountain and fill the whole earth... establishing His (YAH's) Kingdom on earth. (Danay'Al/Daniel 2:31-45)

We all know who this "Rock" is... The Messiah, YAHUSHA.

Moving forward...

About the name "Jesus"

I know a lot of people get triggered when this conversation is brought up but we have to face the truth in humility and correct our wrongs because we have been lied to for years... our father's have been lied to and we have inherited these lies (YaramYahu/Jeremiah 16:19).

It's very expedient that the Messiah being born into a Hebrew heritage bore a Name depicting His Nationality as a Yahudym of Yashar'AL. Let's look up the name "jesus" in a concise Hebrew and Greek Concordance. 

Strong's Hebrew "Jesus" = No reference

Strong's Greek, G2424 = Iesous, meaning; Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah. Word origin; of Hebrew "Yehoshua"

Okay... we are getting a clue from the Greek...

A search for "Yehoshua" in the Hebrew reveals thus...

Stong's H3091 = Yehoshua, meaning; the lord (YAH) is salvation.  Word origin; Yahushua from YHUH (YHVH in modern hebrew) and YASHA.  Transliteration; Yehoshua, Proper Name; masculine from "YAHUSHA"(yehosha in mordern hebrew) to YAHUSHUA(Yehoshua in mordern hebrew) and later YAHSHUA(Yeshua in mordern hebrew).  


Strong's H3068 = YHUH (YHVH modern hebrew), meaning; the proper name for the god (deity) of Israel (YasharAl), the Self Existent, the Eternal. Comparison; Hebrew Yahh.

Strong's H3050 = YAH, meaning; the name of the god (deity) of Israel (YasharAl), the Sacred name.  Word origin; from YHUH (YHVH).

Strong's H3467 = Yasha, meaning; to deliver, bring salvation, saviour, rescue, be safe.

Notice that the Messiah’s name is a combination of “YHUH i.e YAHUAH (the proper name for tthe Sovereign of YasharAL) and YASHA (Salvation), meaning YAHUAH IS SALVATION.

Scriptures shows us everywhere that YAHUAH saves... that He is Salvation.

Do we believe in Him? Or in the Name of His Son who came to sacrifice Himself for us?

The Messiah speaking... knowing what will happen.

Yahuknn/John 5:43
"I came in my Father's Name and ye received me not; if another shall come in his own name, him shall ye receive."

And it came to pass...

Some scholars strongly contend the name, Jesus is giving honour to Zeus, a sun deity... their reason, all words ending with sus, sous, seus... just like in other sun deities like; Dionysus, Hesus, Pegasus, Tarsus, etc. all give honour to Zeus... like saying, "hail zeus"

Is it a coincidence? 

Jesus is correctly pronounced as "yesus" as in "ye-soos" with or without the "j" sound.
(Please see the KJV 1611)

When you say Iesous/Jesus, are you really saying "hail Zeus" whether you know/mean it or not?
Remember, satan deceives the whole earth...Khazun/Revelations 12:9

Learn the true name of the Father and the Son...

The Name of the Father is in Thahlym/Psalms 68:4

"Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him"(KJV)

His Name is YAHUAH
In the KJV, is written as 'Iah' or 'Jah'... pronounced YAH.
Remember there was no letter "j" in the English 400 years ago. So, even the Messiah's name was spelt "Iesus" in the KJV 1611, and other words that how have a "j" were all written with the letter 'I'. For example; Jeremiah was written as Ieremiah, Jude as Iude, Judah as Iudah, etc.

Note: Jehovah stems from the meaning of wickedness or vengeful... this is Not the Name of our Father.

Yeshua is an adulterated version of the Messiah's Name... look up the meaning or acronym.

Yeshua is also an abbreviation for "may his name be obliterated forever"

You would think the Romans' would've known this right??!

Just to further clarify, we'll break down the name, jesus, both in Latin and Hebrew. 

In latin
"Je" or "geo" = earth
"Sus" = swine, pig, hog
Ie. Earth pig

In Hebrew Concordance

"Je" = non-existent 

"Sus" in  Strong's H5483 Cuwu= skip (properly, or for joy), horse (as leaping), swallow ( for it's rapid flight)

"Sus" pronounced "soos" means horse.

First question, how is it that our Messiah is YAHUdym (Hebrew) yet in the concordance, his so-called name "Jesus" has no reference whatsoever nor is linked to the Hebrew but only the Greek? while on Earth was He of Greek origin or of Hebrew?  

Secondly, how is it that the so-called Greek name "Iesous" refers us to "Yehoshua" which is originally "YAHUSHA" a Hebrew name? 

Thirdly, if it is clear that the Messiah's name is YAHUSHA in Ancient Hebrew, meaning YAH is Salvation, how then is it that the name produces both "Jesus" and "Joshua" as end results in the Bible (though both characters bear the exact/same name)... one as the Messiah and the other, the "son of Nun" who took over from Mushah/Moses and led the children of Yashar'AL to the promised land? 

Is this truly a case of  more than two transliterations or is this a case of an ouright replacement

Firstly, a name is a person's identity. If a name of a person is altered, there's bound to be an identity crisis and confusion.

If my name is "Rita", that would still be my name even if I travelled to "Antarctica" and the language there is different. It is the responsibility of those who would want to address me to learn my correct name because if I'm being called out of my name, I will not even realise it or respond... I know the pronunciation may not be perfect for accent variances influenced by language differences, but I should at least be able to recognize when my name "Rita" is being called upon or written.

Secondly, when a word is "transliterated", the letters or characters in that word are replaced with the available corresponding letters in the alphabet it's being transliterated into.  In other words, when a word is transliterated, it somewhat retains it's original form but looses its meaning.  Whereas, if a word is translated, it looses it's original form but retains it's meaning.  For instance, if your name is "King" in English language, in Yoruba language it will be "Oba" meaning, "King" and in Igbo language it will be "Igwe" meaning, "king".  In this case, the name has lost its original form but keeps it's meaning.  

If this is possible, why then was the Messiah's name not translated but transliterated? at least, since YAHUSHA was a "problem" to the translators, and a very "difficult" name to pronounce, He could have been called "SALVATION" in the English language. 

Should names be translated or transliterated in the first place?

Personally, interpretation should be more important than transliterations. Names shouldn't be bland and fancy but should have meaning.

Knowing how names are important to The Father, so much that He had to change some names like Abram to Abrahma/Abraham, Sara to Sarah, Yahuquub/Jacob to Yashar'AL to align with purpose. How much more His own Son which was prophesied of, come to earth with a bland name that people are struggling  for years to figure out?

The question to be asked is not about why people are searching for the truth but rather, the reason why this was hidden.

Think about it...

Let's look at a few scriptures that shows the Messiah aligned with His Father's Name and the purpose for which He was sent.

"SALVATION belongeth unto YAHUAH: Thy BARAKAH/blessing is upon thy people" -Thahlym/Psalms 3:8.

"And He shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name YAHUSHA; for He shall SAVE His people from their sins" -MattathYahu/Matthew 1:21.

More importantly is if you compare verses from the Old and Renewed  Testaments, you'll see that YAHUSHA actually confirmed that He is The Salvation in the flesh spoken of in the Old Testament. Let's see some.

"I will take the cup of SALVATION and call upon the name of YAHUAH" -Thahlym/Psalms 116:13.   

The Messiah confirmed this in the New Testament below.

 "Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them saying; "drink from it all of you"...This is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the Forgiveness of sin"  -MattathYahu/Matthew 26:27-28.

Same with Isaiah 12:3 and John 4:14...

"Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the well of SALVATION" -YashaYahu/Isaiah 12:3.

"But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life"  -Yahuknn/John 4:14.

"And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying, Blessed be the ALAHYM of Yashar'AL; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, And hath raised up an horn of SALVATION for us in the house of his servant Daud/David; As he spake by the mouth of his made-apart prophets, which have been since the world began: That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us.." AurYah/Luke 1:67-71.

And the list goes on and on... 

Now, back to Christmas...

According to the Catholic-mother church? Christmas is a fusion of two words... Christ and Mass. And that this "mass", is in honour of "Christ"

About Christ

Let's see what's revealing.

Strong's definition for Christ = no reference

Online Etymology Dictionary definition for "Christ" =

"Title given to the Jesus of Nazareth, old English "Crist"(by 830, perhaps 675), from latin Christus, from Greek khristos "the anointed" Word origin; form "Chrio", meaning; to anoint."

Strong's Greek 5543 = Chrestos meaning; good, kind, pleasant

Strong's Greek 5547 = Christos meaning; the anointed one, the Messiah, Christ. Not referenced in the Old Testament.

Strong's Greek 3323 = Messias, meaning; Messiah, the Anointed One, the Old Testament title corresponding to Christ. Word origin; of Hebrew origin - "Mashiyach"(MASHAYAKH). Referenced both in the Old and New Testament.

Stong's Hebrew 4899 = Mashiach, meaning; anointed, messiah. Usually a consecrated person (as a king, priest or saint), specifically the Messiah. From Mashach meaning to smear, to anoint.

Now as seen above, the word MASHAYAKH (Mashiyach) means “The Anointed” as is with the word Christ (as in Christos, and Not Chrestos). But, instead of the word “MASHAYAKH” (Messiah) being used, the word "Christ" (Christos/Chrestos) was used to replace the original title for YAHUSHA (Jesus so called).  

The problem with this is that while "Christos" means "the anointed" and "Chrestos" means "good", both words are often times, used to represent the title given to “Jesus” as well as other sun deities whereas, the title for YAHUSHA in scripture is MASHAYAKH (as in Messiah) Not Christ.  The interesting part is that both words (Christos and Chrestos) are of pagan origins... and christ, alluding to Krishna. Look up 'Christ' and 'Krishna' in the Sanskrit.

"According to a French Theological Dictionary, it is absolutely beyond doubt that Christus and Chrestus, and Christiani and Chrestiani were used indifferently by the profane and Christian authors of the first two centuries A.D. The word "Christianos" is a Latinism, being contributed neither by the Jews nor by Christians themselves.  The word was introduced from one of three origins: The Roman Police, The Roman Populace, or an unspecified pagan origin.  It's infrequent use in the New Testament suggests a pagan origin

(The Sources of Chrestos and Christos in Antiquity, mountain man graphics.australia)

Did you know that Mithras, a sun deity as seen in the Vatican goes by the name "Chrestos" and that the worship of Serapis had been ongoing about 200/300 years before the Messiah was born and their worshippers were called "Christianos" (Christians)? 

"As early as 200BCE, there were pagan worshippers of Serapis that called themselves "Christians" (Yahushaic covenant, Vol 1, by Rav Sha'ul)

Did you also know that Osiris, a sun deity in Egypt also goes by the title "Chrestos"?

"According to Christianity and Mythology, Osiris, the sun-deity of Egypt, was reverenced as Chrestos. In the Synagogue of the Marcionites in Mount Hermon, built in the third century A.D., the Messiah's title is spelled Chrestos.  According to Tertullian and Lactantius, the common people usually called 'Christ' Chrestos.

(By Roger Pearse)

"The inscription Chrestos is to be seen on a Mithras relief in the Vatican" according to Realencyclopaedie.

(Image from Wikipedia of Mithra slaughtering a bull) see the details of the sun and moon Symbolisms and the serpent.

Why would a pagan sun deity called “Chrestos Mithras” be seen at the headquarters of Christendom?

Do you know Mithras's birthday is on 25th December

Also, why do images portrayed as Mithras and Jesus Christ both have “sun” or 'halos' round their heads and making similar hand gestures?

Do you think it depicts "holiness"?  Or is there a more sinister reason? 

But are they the only ones with the "sun halo" symbolism and the hand gestures?

Let's see some more.

(Mithras left, statue of liberty right)
Still think "lady" liberty is a lady? 

You can see how hard the men try to look like women and  vice versa? Transgenderism!

Keep your children away from satanic worship.

There are infact quite a number of pagan sun deities that bares the title Christ; because Chrestos in Greek is same as Krishna or Krishta in Hindu and Serapis is also called Chrestos Serapis, same with Horus, Helios, etc. 

"What i want to stress is that we have replaced the historical Yahsuah(YAHUSHA) with a Jesus that fits our expectations. We have molded him in our image and cast him in the role we wish him to act out.  As such we should and we find ourselves content in our religious makeup presuming that somehow God (YAH) will acept our drama" 

(Isaac Garvin, The Real Jesus {yah - shua})

The messiah's name is YAHUSHA and His title is MASHAYAKH. The people who tried to convert the true worship of our Father into sun worship deliberately made up or infused pagan names to mislead the world.  They know who they worship-The Sun (Nimrod) in different forms, cultures and civilizations.

But do you know who you worship?

As long as the word “Christ” is continually forced to be associated with our YAHUSHA of Scripture, “Christmas” would continue to remain relevant even though it's based on deceit.

Moving forward...

Did you know Christmas was banned in England between 1647 to 1660 during the reign of Oliver Cromwell? Did you also know that the Puritan leaders in America also banned Christmas celebration in America between 1659 to 1681?

The observation of Christmas having been deemed a sacrilege, the exchanging of gifts and greetings dressing in fine clothing.   Feasting and similar Satanical practices are hereby FORBIDDEN with the offender liable to a Fine of FIVE SHILLINGS. (English Parliament 1647 – 1660/ Puritan Law America, 1659 to 1681)

The ultimate question one should continually ask is “was Christmas celebrated 2,000 years ago as believed to be the period of the birth of the Messiah or does it pre-date the birth of the messiah and celebrated thousands of years before him”?  

The facts are now on the table, you be the judge.

Let us have a look into the symbols associated with the celebration of Christmas in order to establish the truth behind their usage or their connection to the Messiah of scriptures.


1) Santa Claus

Did you know that the name “Santa Claus” is actually a corruption of the name “St. Nicholas” who was a Roman catholic bishop in 5th century AD? Even though, the actual existence of this "character" (Nicholas) in history is contested, here's what they have to say about him.

Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, a Saint honoured by the Greeks and Latin on the 6th of December…A legend of his surreptitious bestow of dowries on the 3 daughters of an impoverished citizen is said to have originated the old custom of giving presents in secret on the eve of Nicholas which is December 6th, which was then subsequently transferred to “Christmas day”.   Hence, the association of Christmas with Santa Claus

(Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol 19, pg 648 – 649)

St. Nicholas was celebrated on St Nicholas’s day which was on the 6th of December every year. His costume was red wooly garment with and a 'conical' (fish) red hat.  Below are images of him.

 Same hand gesture with two fingers pointing upwards.

Did you also know that the word “Santa” was deliberately chosen as a corrupt word to be associated with Christmas because it was a name used to refer to Nimrod (Baal/Satan) in the olden days?

Santa” was a common name for Nimrod throughout Asia Minor. This was also the same fire god who came down the chimneys of the ancient pagans and the same fire god to whom infants were burned and eaten in human sacrifice among those who were once God’s people”.

(Langer’s Encyclopedia of World History, [article “Santa”])

This sounds to me like BAAL!

Have you tried unscrambling the word SANTA before? You would get something like this…."SATAN" or should I say SATAN CLAUS? Or 'Lucas' which is 'Lucere' in Latin for "brightness" or "shinning light"??? 

Be careful not to buy into satan's "Claus/claws" by wilfully handing your children over to him in the name of "celebration" to molest and take away their innocence violently and forcefully.  Do your research about paedophile rings and what is done to stolen little boys and girls... you will weep.  Disney is not your friend either and shouldn't be for your children.

2) Christmas Tree (Yule Log)

Hear ye the word which the ALUAH speaketh unto you, O house of YasharAL:   Thus saith YAHUAH, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.  For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a TREE out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axeTHEY DECK IT WITH SILVER AND WITH GOLD; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not”              -YaramYahu/Jeremiah 10:1-4

"Thou shall not plant a the grove of any trees near unto the altar of YAHUAH thy ALAHYM (Elohym) which thou shall make thee. Neither shalt thou set the up any image which YAHUAH thy Sovereign hated." - Dabarym/Deuteronomy 16:21-22.

Some translations interchange Asherah as trees and images pillars (penis-like poles/phallic symbols) for images.

Asherah is regared as the consort/wife of  god (baal)

It is clearly written in scripture to abstain from the practice of decorating trees in reverence to anyone whatsoever.  This instruction was given long before the birth of the Messiah.

Have you thought of the reason the Christmas Tree keeps looking like the pagan Pyramid or the obelisk of Vatican (Rome)? What do they have in common?  The Phallic (penis) Symbols of Nimrod.

An old Babylonian fable told of an evergreen tree which sprang out of a dead tree stump.  The old stump symbolizes the dead king Nimrod and the new evergreen tree symbolizes Nimrod coming to life in Tammuz.  Among the druids, the oak was sacred, among the Egyptians, it was the palm and in Rome it was the fur which was decorated with red berries during Saturnalia

(William Walsh “Curiosities of Popular Customs pg 242”)

Christmas tree is also referred to as the “Yule log” but did you know that the word “Log” originated from the word “Lugh”?  Lugh represents the Scandinavian god of fertility or rebirth of a SUN-god.  Hence, the “Yule log” was used as a form of Teutonic nature worship.    

Many present-day Christmas customs and traditions such as the Yule log, Yule goat, Yule boar, Yule singing, and others stem from pagan Yule traditions. …Today, Yule is celebrated in Heathenry and other forms of Neopaganism, as well as in LaVeyan Satanism.”


The “Yule log” was also originally known as “Sun Log”.  “Yule” also meaning “wheel” which is long been a representation of the SUNYule log therefore means “WHEEL OF THE SUN

In Ancient Rome around the 6th Century AD, there was a festival called “Brumalia” which gave homage to the deities Saturn, Cronos, Ceres, Demeter and Bacchus.  This celebration involved feasting and sacrificing of pigs to idols.  It was commonly celebrated from December 20th to 23rd and gave rise to a contemporary pagan weekend celebration known as “Yule

Note that the Christmas tree originated from Babylon to Egypt, to Greece, to Rome, to Germany and the rest of the world.  This celebration is done in rebellion to YAH.


During the festival “Saturnalia” in Ancient Rome, trees were decorated to honour the deity, Bacchus who is said to be the god of Agriculture, wine and fertility.  Twelve candles were also placed on the tree in honour of the “sun god”.  Similarly, in Ancient Germany, fruits and candles were used to decorate trees in honour of the deity, Woden, the one whom Wednesday was named after.  All these gave rise to the use of ornaments in decorating the Christmas tree because it gave honour to the sun and other pagan deities.

3) Christmas Lights

The lights used to decorate Christmas trees gave homage to the sun deity (Nimrod), commonly known as Baal who is believed to be the “god of light” from which the word ILLUMINATI originates.

Remember the devil was an angel of light and still disguises himself as a messenger of light (2 Corinthians 11:14)

4) The Star

The star placed on the Christmas tree is actually a diabolical pentagram. It represents the "star of Ishtar" (Semiramis/Isis/Easter/Queen of Heaven), believed to be the wife of Baal (Nimrod).

5) Wreaths 

According to Frederic Haskin's "Answers to Questions" 1926

"The use of Christmas wreaths is believed by authorities to be traceable to the pagan customs of decorating buildings and places of worship at the feast which took place at the same time as Christmas."

Encyclopedia Americana states; "the holly, the mistletoe and the yule log are all relics of pre-Christmas times."

6) Boughs of holly 

It represents a symbol of fertility (Ishtar, isis) just like the  Easter/Ishtar eggs and bunny(rabbit).

7) Mistletoe

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica (under Santa tales); "The European mistletoe is thought to have had special ritual significance in Druid ceremonies and lives in folklore today, it's special status as the Xmas Mistletoe having come from Anglo-Saxon times.

Mistletoe itself, is a parasite that lives on Oak trees (also note that the Druids worshipped in Oak tree groves). The ancient Celtics associated with the Druids also used to give mistletoe as an herbal remedy to barren animals to make them fertile. And it's still referred to as an "all-healer" in Celtic. And like the Mistletoe,  holly berries were also thought to be sacred to the sun god. The original sun log came to be called the "yule log" and the yule simply means "wheel" which has long been a pagan representation of the sun."

8) Reindeers

We were told that the reindeers sleighed around with Santa Claus so that he can deliver "presents" to children on the eve of Christmas.  But is this the true reason for reindeers?

According to Norse mythology, There is an 8 legged giant stallion/horse of Odin (god of death) known as Sleipnir which travels with him throughout the world. What is reminiscent of?

Also, “Reindeers” are associated with “Cernunnos” a horned Celtic god of fertility who is similar to the god Baphomet.

9) Sash

This is the finishing on the Christmas tree... representing a serpent wound up about the tree, depicting satan in the garden of Eden. 

See how Christmas continously has commonality with paganism?

Still... one might wonder, "when was the Messiah, YAHUSHA born?"

According to AurYah/Luke 2:8, Shepherds were keeping watch over their flock out in the field at night when the Made-apart messenger (Angel) of YAHUAH brought glad tidings of the birth of YAHUSHA to them.

According to customs of Shepherds, they brought in their sheep from the mountains no later than October 15th to protect and keep them safe from the cold rainy season that followed.

AzaraYah/Ezra 10:9 "Then all the men of Yahudah/Judah and Banyamayan/Benjamin gathered themselves together unto Yarushalam/Jerusalem within three days. It was the ninth month, on the twentieth day of the month; and all the people sat in the street of the house of Yah, trembling because of this matter, and for the great rain."

Songs of Shalumah/Solomon 2:11 "For, lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone."

In times past, winter was simultaneous with the rainy seasons. Shepherds could not be out with their flock around this time because of the cold...  they would bring in the fold to huddle together in their shed to keep warm.

This goes further to explain the geographical location of where this might have taken place including the true location of  Yarushalam/Jerusalem (see Part 6 of this series).

For most of Southern Africa, the dry season coincides with the Southern hemisphere winter. Africa being the only continent to experience multiple climates as the line of the equator cuts through the continent leaving one half in the Northern hemisphere and the other half in the Southern hemisphere. 

Snow in the region of Africa is sparse, unlike in Europe and other continents where it's actual Snow, NOT High rainfall. Africa is more abundant in rainfall. 

According to Adam Clarke Commentary, Vol.5, Pg 370 (New York Edition) "It was ancient custom among Hebrews of those days to send out their sheep to the fields and deserts about the passover or early spring and then bring them home at the commencement of the first rain which was commonly during the autumn well before the winter time."

In AurYah/Luke 1:36, we see that the Messiah was conceived when Yahuknn/John the immerser(baptizer) was 6 months in the womb. 

*Feasts days of the Father for the children of YasharAL are recorded in Uyaqra/Leviticus 23*

There was a tax at this time and it was close to when the virgin Maryam put to bed. This tax logically wouldn't have coincided with the winter or in this case, heavy rainfall season. Let's consider a few other things besides the aforementioned. 

● Considering that Rome who was in charge of running the government in Yarushalam always took advantage of the feast days of YasharAL to plot and enact their policies because to get people to travel and meet up en mass wasn't easy, so they would fix it in their Yahudym/"Jewish" annual pilgrim plan which at this time of YAHUSHA's birth, YAHUAH required of all males to go into Yarushalam during the Feast of Tabernacles.

● Also, considering that families of all ages may have to travel at this time to register for this tax process too.

● Thirdly, no where was it recorded in scriptures that one of the challenges Yahusap/Joseph and Mary/Maryam encountered in their quest to find shelter late that night was as a result of snow or rain.  This is an indication that it wasn't a winter/rainy season at this time of the year.

Which Biblical Feasts was likely to coincide with the MESSIAH's birth?

Short Answer: Most likely the Feast of Tabernacles or Atonement.

A more concise answer:  Going back to the time of ZakarYahu/Zachariah the Kahan/Priest who was serving in the Temple, whom the Made-apart messenger Gabra'Al/Gabriel appeared to, to give him good news that he was going to father a son. It is recorded that priests who went in to serve, did so weekly in courses throughout the years, rounding their service week on the Shabbath/Sabbath in a 24 week cyle (See 1 Chronicles 24:1-19).  They chose the Priests who served in the Temple by casting lots for commencement at the beginning of Spring season which is the actual New Year.... not Winter.

The time of Zechariah's service was in the 8th course of the year as has been the practice of Priests for a long time. According to the information from scholars using the Jewish-Babylonian Calendar, the month ZakarYahu/Zechariah served was in 'Sivan' in the 'course of Aviyah', which indicates that Yahuknn/John the immerser was conceived in the month of Sivan after the Shabbath. We recall the Messiah was conceived six months after John's  conception.

Here's the Priestly Calendar...

Aharun/Aaron has four sons but only two sons and their descendants made up the priestly lineage. When the lot was cast, one of the descendants of Aaron named AbYah/Abijah fell on the 8th course of the year and so it had been year in, year out. Zechariah is the son of AbYah/Abijah... a descendant of Aharun/Aaron the Priest.

AurYah/Luke 1:5 "There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judæa, a certain priest named ZakarYahu/Zecharias, of the course of AbYah/Abijah: and his wife was of the daughters of Aharun/Aaron, and her name was Alshaba/Elizabeth"


Adding forty and two weeks to the 8th course of Aviyah of the month of Sivan, we have Yahuknn/John the immerser born in the month of  Adar or into Nisan (the passover). Recalling that the immerser was 6 months ahead of the Messiah's conception, we will add another six months to see the possible month(s) the Messiah was birthed.

Adding six more months to the birth of the Immerser, we have plus or minus, around the 7th month.  The 7th month being the month of Tishri which translates to September in the Gregorian Calendar.

During this time was the Sookuth which is the Feast of Tabernacles and YAHUAH required all the men at this time to go to Yarushalam/Jerusalem to sacrifice there (Dabarym/Deuteronomy16:16). This is one of those times in the year that there was a mass movement, a lot of travelling and a mass influx into Yarushalam. A time fitting for the government of Rome to pitch in their Census or Tax registrations, so the males would travel with eligible members of their families, void of excuses. 

The children of YasharAL calculated a calendar using the sun and the moon (not one of the other) as both were given by YAH for time. See Barashyth/Genesis 1:14

With this calculation, the seasons will never be thrown into confusion and all made-apart days and feasts will not be thrown off balance.

"And YAH said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years." Barashyth/Genesis 1:14

"He made the moon for seasons, The sun hath known his place of entrance." Thahlym/Psalms 104:19 YLT

"At that time Yahusha/Joshua spoke to the YAHUAH in the day when the ALUAH gave the Amorites over to the sons of Yashar'AL, and he said in the sight of YAHUAH, “Sun, stand still at Gibeon, and moon, in the Valley of Aijalon.” And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation took vengeance on their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Yashar/Jasher? The sun stopped in the midst of heaven and did not hurry to set for about a whole day." Yahusha/Joshua 10:12-13

To understand the path of the sun and moon and how they work together to unravel the seasons, see Kanush/Enoch chapter 16.

Moving forward...

Bible Scholars put forth strong reasons as to why the Messiah was indeed born at the commencement of the Feasts of Tabernacles (Uyaqra/Leviticus 23:33-44), some of which include; 

1). The coinciding of his birth with the crowd of people trooping into Yarushalam for the "feast" such that there was no room in guest inns. AurYah/Luke 2:7

2). He was born in a stable-tent made for animals. (during the Feasts of Tabernacles, they were instructed only to dwell in tents or make-shift inns to indicate that it's a temporary accommodation). AurYah/Luke1:26-27

3). Him being circumcised on the 8th day at the end of the Feast... perfect timing of scriptures corresponding with the Messiah dwelling in Tabernacles. AurYah/Luke 2:21

Lastly, but not exhausting the list...

5). At the emerging of a New heaven and a New earth, the only feasts prophesied to be observed is the Feasts of Tabernacles and the Shabbath/Sabbath.

"And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the ALAHYM/ELOHYM of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernaclesAnd it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the ALUAH of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain." ZakarYahu/Zechariah 14:16-17, 

"For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith YAHUAH, so shall your seed and your name remain. And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith YAHUAH." YashaYahu/Isaiah 66:22-23

Back to Christmas observations...

Looking back at birthday celebrations in scriptures,  we see Pra'ah/Pharoahs' celebrating in debauchery, abominations, drunkenness, and utter wickedness against The Most High.  And, we also see top government officials like Herod who gruesomly ordered for the head of Yahuknn/John the immerser to be severed off his neck and given to his little daughter on a platter. 

Besides the children of YasharAL being forced to worship Greecian deities like Dionysus the god of wine, fertility, ritual madness, insanity, religious ecstasy, etc. also known as Bacchus in Rome as recorded in 2 Maccabees 6, they also did this;

“For the temple was filled with riot and revelling by the Gentiles, who dallied with harlots, and had to do with women within the circuit of the holy places, and besides that brought in things that were not lawful.” 2 Maccabees 6:4

What happened during the Kings birthday?

(Vs 7) "And in the day of the king's birth every month they were brought by bitter constraint to eat of the sacrifices; and when the fast of Bacchus was kept, the Jews were compelled to go in procession to Bacchus, carrying ivy.

(Vs10-11) "For there were two women brought, who had circumcised their children; whom when they had openly led round about the city, the babes handing at their breasts, they cast them down headlong from the wall And others, that had run together into caves near by, to keep the sabbath day secretly, being discovered by Philip, were all burnt together, because they made a conscience to help themselves for the honour of the most sacred day."

And everyone who didn't partake of these sacriligious  sacrifices of idols which included the eating of pigs and intestines (read the whole chapter), were put to death. 

Now these are the things we celebrate today with alot of drinking and revelry... The same thing that our fathers and mothers of old were killed for because they wouldn't compromise nor join in this abominable celebrations.

On the flip side, no patriarch in scriptures has been in, or observed a birthday celebration. This is more proof of birthday celebrations originating from a pagan system.

In Conclusion...

Oliver Cromwell although a Calvinist, and in the helm of affairs, he believed deeply in the value of religious toleration.  Enabling for  unacceptable values and celebrations to slowly and stealthily creep into the society at large and into believers in the Word of YAH, thriving... thus, the disguise of a pagan holiday as the "birthday" of the Messiah of scripture lives to this day.


Yahuknn/John 4:23-24 "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him."

Most of us want the Spirit but reject the Truth. They both go hand in glove, just like faith and works... you cannot walk upright by operating in just one.

Remember "…do not learn the ways of the heathen.

We cannot worship the Father in a pagan way and think that because we "mean well", it will be accepted.  Our opinions do not matter only the Truth does and it certainly will set us free. 

Truth is, people do not celebrate Christmas because they have been told to do so in scriptures. They do so because they (Roman Catholic Church and pop culture) passed down the tradition of adoring this festival by making it so intense and seemingly harmless. 

It's  in our best interest to obey what scriptures instruct because in the end you will not be the judge of yourself but you will answer for your actions to the Judge of all flesh.

In all things, seek YAHUAH and His True Son, YAHUSHA to lead you through the narrow path.

Thank you for always reading. 

Be baruk!

Your's truly, 

Favour Abam 




DISCLAIMER: I may not have all the rights to information published on this blog. All pictures, quotes, and citations are used in good faith, strictly for educational purposes. 

Favour Abam
I am a lover of YAHUAH. I love the truth and I don't shy away from believing and speaking it. I'm very passionate about this and it keeps my hope alive knowing that I have been given a chance to unlearn what I was taught to be true and re-learn what is really true all over... with patience and diligence, in humilty. For this, I'm grateful.

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