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(The Name of The Father)

For the sake of continuity and clarity, if you have not read the first two parts, please do so.

"Then answered I and said, what shall be the parting asunder of the times? Or when shall be the end of the first, and the beginning of it that followeth? And He said unto me, from Abraham unto Isaac, when Jacob and Esau was born of him, Jacob's hand held first the heel of Esau. For Esau is the END OF THE WORLD and Jacob is the BEGINNING OF IT THAT FOLLOWETH" 
(2 Esdras 6:7-9 KJV Apocrypha)

Jewish historians say that 90% of Jews come from the Khazar Empire back in the 8th Century with Judaism as their national religion and the Babylonian Talmud as their holy book.

During the dark ages of the Khazar Empire in Asia, Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes attacked  the Khazars, killed and plundered so much that the Khazars fled and migrated to Poland and there, they formed the Western Jewish Community.  Other places they migrated to includes; Germany, Turks, Huns and Russia.

In 163 B.C, Judas Maccabeus conquered the Edomite territory for a time. They (the Edomites) were again subdued by John Hyracanus around 125 B.C. by whom they were forced to observe Israelite rites and laws of the Torah. They were then incorporated with the tribe of Judah and their country was called by the Greeks and Romans "Idumaea." With Antipater the Idumaean, began the Idumaean dynasty that ruled over Judea till it's conquest by the Romans. From this time, the Idumaens ceased to be a separate people.
Note: Edom is a country of Jordan and the place of Petra.
The name "Edom" is used by the Talmudists for the Roman Empire and they applied to Rome every passage of the Bible, referring to Edom or Esau.

Notice how Genesis 36:15-19 shows the sons of Esau as Dukes?
In the Yahudyth (Hebrew) the word Duke means Chieftain, Captain or a Governor. This has always been their set up for living and for conquests. This is the reason why the sons of Esau had the word  DUKE added to their names such as; Duke Eliphaz, Duke Zepho etc.
In Genesis when Isaac said to Esau that his dwelling shall be in the fatness of the earth... he also said, "by the sword shalt thou live" and when he shall have dominion, he shall break his yoke (Jacob) from his neck. 
Esau's conquests has indeed been through wars (the sword).


"...Was not Esau, Jacob's brother?" Saith the Most High. Yet, I have loved Jacob,  and hated Esau,  and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. Whereas Edom saith, we are impoverished,  but we will return and build the desolate places, thus saith the Most High. They shall build, but I will throw down, and they shall call them, the border of wickedness, and, the people whom the Most High had indignation forever" 
(Malachi 1:2-4)

"For I have made Esau bare, I have uncovered his secret places and he shall not be able to hide himself. His seed is spoiled and his brethren, and his neighbours ,.and he is not." (Jeremiah 49:10)

Many preachers today, use this scriptures to pass on a narrative that had been forced upon those who were before them that Esau has been wiped out completely. But, this isn't so.

In Malachi, The Most High did leave Esau's mountains to waste in the wilderness ( in the verse, He referred to this as something he had already done) Historically, Edom, the City of Petra was laid waste in 445-432 B.C.

Continuing, Edom said that although they were impoverished, they will return and build (if they were all destroyed, how then could they come back and rebuild?) The Most High in response says that He will throw down.

And in Jeremiah 49:10, The Most High says that he has made Esau bare (exposed him) and uncovered his secret places (Esau thrives in secrecy, blending with other nations and perpetrating wickedness)
*I covered some of this in my previous posts*
He shall no longer be able to hide himself: his seed is spoiled, his brethren and his neighbours,  and he is not (Not could mean negation, denial, refusal or prohibition).

Again if you noticed, the  only person that was described at his birth was Esau (Genesis 25:24)
Have you ever wondered why?

Usually, people don't describe the "normal" because, it's common knowledge. 
They only express bewilderment when something abnormal shows up from the "blues."  In other words, Isaac, Rebekkah, their baby Jacob and all other people around them were of the same colour. Which in this case, was different shades of brown, to dark skin except for Esau who was "RED."

If Esau is made bare (Jer.49) and his seed is spoiled and he can no longer hide, that would mean a couple of things which includes that he will stand out and be identified physically.

Also, the skin of his descendants will not be able to withstand the changes in seasons (hot and cold conditions) and direct exposure to these will be met with consequences. Most importantly, they will be non-melated. Melanin is needed for the colour pigmentation of the skin and for protection of from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun on the skin.

Do you wonder why there is a high rate of skin cancer in present day Israel? It is because the Jews are only in Palestine because of the Balfour Declaration of 1917 to diguise as the people of scriptures and wreck havoc (Mr. Balfour sent a letter to Rothschild in regard to the establishment of a Jewish home in Palestine).  
How can white people populate lands that were historically predominantly blacks?

Also, it is about everyone who is non-melanated, because they are a product of this. 

Did you know that the state of Israel was formed in 1948, 12 days after which apartheid began in South Africa?

Here are some blending and duplicating of structural systems from ancient Edom, to modern day.
You can tell from these who Edom really is!


Firstly, the word "Jews" came into existence in 1775. There is no other reference to this in any language before then so, how could the Messiah or the people of scriptures be called "Jews"?

In the New York Times newspaper of 29th of October 1996, they made a publication that scholars debated the origin of Yiddish and the migration of Jews. "The Eastern European Jews were not really semitic-that they largely descended from the Turkish Khazars, who converted to Judaism in medieval times."

A Jewish scholar writer named Arthur Koestler published a book, "The Thirteenth Tribe of Israel" and dug deep in revealing about the Khazarian rabbis and their conversion and taking over of a culture of a people. Other Jewish historians such as Shlomo Sands (writer) and Benjamin H. Freedman (Scholar) equally prove the history of the Jews.

I'm sure you have probably heard of  Henry Ford. Yes, the one of Henry Ford Motor Company.  He assembled a team of staff experts to research the origin of Jews who were influxing America in the 1880s. He spent millions of dollar on this project.
In 1923, he released a book: "THE INTERNATIONAL JEW - THE WORLD'S FOREMOST PROBLEM".  And in his book, he says that the Jews, committing all sorts of crimes while under the cover of being called "Chosen People of the Bible" were rapidly taking economic and political control of America.  He also states, "The Jews are not the Chosen People, though the entire church has succumbed to the propaganda which declares them to be so"

He further states that the Jews had gained control over protestant seminaries and christian book publishing houses and have been able to remove all criticism of Jews from christian literatures. For a few years, the book caused an uproar and then, it dissappeared from bookshops, colleges, universities, public libraries and became unattainable at any price.

In 1951, Colonel Beaty published a book called, "IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA".  Still saying and i quote "The Easter European Jews were actually Kahazars and had no racial ancestry in Israel at all".
Same with Colonel Curtis B. Dall saying, "Israel" the greatest "hoax" of the last centuries!

Shlomo Sands, a Jewish historian writer said "How can we return to Israel, when we (the Jewish people) were never there to begin with".  I'll end this with what the president of the United Arab Republic stated "I cannot respect the present day Jews because they left Israel BLACK and came back WHITE".


Was there ever a time that the "Jews" were taken as slaves to all nations? (Luke 21 vs 24).  
Like I said in my previous posts, to be the people of Scriptures, one must fit into not just the barakah/blessings, but the curses that follow disobedience (Because the Israelites behaved wickedly and transgressed the commandments of the Most High).  (Deut. 28 and Lev. 26).

Let me quickly debunk the claim that the Germans murdered 6 million Jews between 1942 and 1945.  Please look up the Jewish World Almanac for yourself.  

In 1933 and 1948, before and after the alleged holocaust respectively, world Jewish population in 1933 was Fifteen Million Three Hundred and Fifteen Thousand (15,315,000) and the world Jewish population in 1948 was Fifteen Million, Seven Hundred and Fifty Three Thousand (15,753,000).   Looks to me like they gained some thousands more; to be precise Four Hundred and Thirty Eight Thousand (438,000) - no loss.   

Also, the acclaimed gassed and tortured Jews in Nazi death camps has no evidence whatsoever to prove that it truly happened... and it isn't that long ago.

The Scriptures say that Israel will return to the land and dwell safely when the Messiah returns (Jeremiah 23:5-8).  

How then could they be back now?

More so, I don't see them resting or dwelling safely, do you?


What about the so called Jewish Star of David which is actually the star of Ramphan of the tabernacle of Moloch/ Molech (Amos 5:26, Acts 7:43), the Kabalah, the 9 lamp stand menorah (which scripturally is 7), and all their abominable "Hellidays" (Holidays)? 
Is it of the Most High?

What about the Talmud (their holy book) which says that the Messiah is in HELL burning in excrement after being put through 4 levels of torture?  


It's funny how they created the terms ISRAEL and JEWS out of nothing. 

Did you know that Israel is a blend of 3 abominable graven images?

ISIS - Egyptian Deity (Mother god)

RA - Egyptian Deity (Father god)

El - Baal (satan)


And it's also funny how the letters, J E W are not even in Ancient or Paleo Hebrew Alphabets. 
The letters E, I, O, J, W, V, or F are not ancient Hebrew Alphabet characters.  
They can only be achieved by vowel pointings which are present in modern day Hebrew alphabets and this was done by the wicked translators to alter the true pronunciation of words and meanings in turn. 
Whereas, the Al(ph), Ha or Ah, Uau, Ya, and Ayan which make up the 5 vowels in the Ancient or Paleo Hebrew, enable words to actually be pronounced the way they are represented pictographically, with each letter having its peculiar meaning.  For example, Ya (known as Yod in modern hebrew) means "hand" and Ha or Ah (known as Hey in the modern hebrew) means "behold".

A few hundred years ago, the letter "J" was invented as a variation for the letter "I".  So, how then does the letter "J", replace both I and Y in the English? or should I say, whenever it affects the names of Most High and the Messiah?

Throughout the original King James of 1611, there was no occurence of the letter J. The Messiah's name was spelt with letter I as "IESUS" just like in the Greek (I'll expatiate on the pagan origins of the name Jesus in subsequent posts). 
Also, please research the etymology of the letter J.

Usually, when a name is unintentionally altered, it is as a result of phonics and culture. For it to be translated is understandable, but for it to be changed, it is intentional. 

Scriptures say, that this name is the ONLY NAME given in Heaven and on Earth through which men may be saved, and someone or some people altered it and conveniently blames it on translation issues??! 
If the translators of the RCC left the difficult pagan names (like Baal), as close to the original names as possible, why did they remove the Most High's and the Messiah's name and replace them with pagan titles such as "GOD" and "LORD"?


His name is pronounced YAH-U-AH! or YAH for short which means I AM or ONE WHO EXISTS, it also means ONE WHO WAS AND WHO IS. 

The Messiah's name is YAHUSHA which means YAH IS SALVATION or YAHUAH IS SALVATION. 

Indeed, He came in His Father's Name... to save.

The Holy Spirit is called The RUK HA'QADUSH or RUK HA'QADASH which means BREATH or WIND (note that modern Babylonian Hebrew spells it as RUACH HA QODESH).

The Most High can be referred to as ALUAH,𐤀𐤋𐤅𐤄 (H433) and ALAHYM, 𐤀𐤋𐤄𐤉𐤌 (H430) which means the ALMIGHTY ONE in Paleo Hebrew. In modern Hebrew, they are translated as Eloah and Elohiym.

2 Chronicles 7:14 says "If My people who are called by My NAME shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins, and heal their land."

This butresses that the people of the Almighty were actually called by His Name.

Let's look at Names in Scriptures and see if we find a match. 

Jeremiah is originally YaramYAHU,
Judah is Yahudah
Isaiah is YashaYAHU
Matthew is MattathYAHU
John is YAHUknn
Ezekiel is YAH'khaza'AL
Nehemiah is NachamYAHU, etc.
These names were not mistakenly changed to European names. They were done to hide the true identity of the true people of scripture.

Strong's concordance Hebrew dictionary tell us that the word "YAH" is the sacred name of the Most High.

We know how names are important to the Most High that He can change your name if what you bear does not fit into the purpose He has for you, because names represent purpose too.  

For Example; Abram was changed to Abramha (Abraham), YAHUquub (Jacob) was changed to YAHsharAL(Not Israel), and Sara to Sarah.

In Paleo Phoenician, The Most High's Name is  written as 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄.

YAHUSHA, the Messiah's name in the paleo Hebrew written as 𐤉𐤅𐤄𐤔𐤏.

The RUK HA'QADUSH  is written as 𐤓𐤅𐤇 𐤄𐤒𐤃𐤅𐤌.

All the letters of the Alphabets are 22 as opposed to the 26 letters of the English.

Because they are pictographs, each letter carries it's own meaning. 
Reading from right to left, the name of the Most High says;

"Behold - hand - Behold - Nail"

Isnt it wonderful?  Psalms 68 :4 says "...Extol Him that rideth upon the heavens by His name "JAH", and rejoice before Him" (it should say YAH - Remember , there's no letter J in the Ancient Hebrew). 

If you do a quick search on google, precisely www.slavevoyages.org. Search for the word YAH in the database of slaves taken from Africa and you'll be amazed that about 80 to 90 percent of the slaves taken from West Africa had the word YAH added to their names.  

Did you even know your fore fathers had the Name of the Most High added to their names? could this have also been a pointer to the true location of Yarushalam (Jerusalem)?

It's appalling how the name of our Father was replaced over 6,800 times with the names god, adonai, jehovah, elohim, lord, jesus, yahweh, etc.(adding and taking away, Revelations 22:18-19).  

Why then are christians not asking questions?  The lies are deep but the question is, how deep does the rabbit hole go?

In my next post, I'll be uncovering the lies and cover ups: The white washing of scriptures and will be showing some maps with the  true locations of YAHsharAL (Israel) and Yarushalam (Jerusalem).

Credits to Watchman Reports and TruthUnveilled 777 for doing a wonderful job. Their research assisted me greatly.

You can check them out on YouTube.

Your's Truly,
Favour Abam


Favour Abam
I am a lover of YAHUAH. I love the truth and I don't shy away from believing and speaking it. I'm very passionate about this and it keeps my hope alive knowing that I have been given a chance to unlearn what I was taught to be true and re-learn what is really true all over... with patience and diligence, in humilty. For this, I'm grateful.

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