(Founders of Christianity)
Continuing from where I left off.
(If you have not read the part one of this series, please do so before you continue)
Almost throughout Scriptures, whenever there was a war, people were taken as prisoners or slaves, along with other spoils of their choosing. In other words, the spoils could only be carried away by those who conquered in the fight.
But what was going on in Africa and what did the other nations want so badly that they came deceitfully and forced human beings from their home, lands and even stole some and sold into slavery? a punishment worthy of death (Exodus 21:16)
Committing genocide on a massive scale.
Have you ever wondered why the so-called "black" history only barely dates back to the 1600s?
I'll give you a hint.
The Catholic church, heavily represented by her missionaries were the ones who instituted the slave trade and the expedition was sponsored by the so-called Jews (I'll touch this soon)
In the last part, I made mention on the Beast System. I'll elaborate and expound as the series unfold.
So in AD321, Christianity was created as a religious and political force. Where all the high ranking elites in Rome had to be a part of, if they wanted to stay in control.
I mean Constantine, his son and whole family were Christians. But let's back up a little bit.
If you do a little research on your own, you'll find out that the name "Christians" was mentioned in the book of Acts... just once.
Let's back up even further. In 200BC, that is, 200 years before the birth of the Messiah the worship of the pagan deity, Serapis had been ongoing in Greece, with it's followers called christianos or christians. With images of Mithras who was said to be born from a rock, slaughters a bull and shows him sharing a banquet with the god, Sol (meaning the sun).
Now that it's clear when and where the origin of the name "Christians" originate, I'll go further to explain.
The followers of the Messiah were FIRST called Christians in Antioch. It makes sense because the worshippers of Serapis were mostly in this region. And the inhabitants mistook them for the pagan likes. Even that word is of Greek origin. So, their brethren in Yarushalam (Jerusalem) couldn't have referred to them as Christians.
They probably were called Nazarene or Mashyakhs, because they followed the Messiah. Unlike the former, this wasn't and isn't a religion but a movement.
Just to do a little reference,
The book authored by George Howard, tiltled The Hebrew Gospel of Matthew shows the Original Hebrew transcript of the book of Matthew in parallel to the English translation and for every, yes every time the word Mashyak was mentioned in the Hebrew, the English translated as Christ.
Although, both Christ and Messiah mean the anointed one.But Christ, which is a translation from Christos in the Latin and Christianos in the Greek is linked straight to the Hindu deity, Krishna.
Isn't that a bummer?
Even more, Edom is the founder of "Christianity". I'll show you also from scriptures.
It is estimated that about one hundred books were removed or not included in the approved canon by the same Roman Catholic Church.
For some reasons, the books that made it to the original King James 1611 Version, were futher taken out. This includes books like Enoch, Jasher, Esdras, other Apocryphas etc.
Among other things, were they hiding Rome's identity in scriptures?
Esau has been taking on the identity of peoples and nations through history. Duplicating their empires and structures wherever they go.
Ernest L. Martin an author, Theologian and Meterologist says and I quote "The people that history forgot- the mysterious people who originated the world's religion "
Please study Jasher 90:7 -9, Jasher 61:12-13 and vs 24-25.
Rome is Kittim, son of Javan, grandson of Japheth.(Genesis 1:1-5)
Just like the present Jews are Ashkenaz.
Esau had blended his seed with Japheth through his grandson Zepho and later, he ruled over Kittim and Japheth as a whole- taking on the identity of this people when it's really his seed and intentions spreading out.(Jasher 61:24-25, Amos 1:9-12, Ezekiel 28:11-16)
We see, Rome=Esau (Edom)= Christianity (Catholic Church founders).
So, they have been the ones translating and editing scriptures (adding paganism with true scriptures, rewriting verses and taking away comprehensive accounts to fit their own narrative)
The Beast system that Daniel prophesied about with the feet of iron and clay has been fulfilled with the coming of the Papacy, uprooting three horns before it- we are still experiencing it. Next, destruction would follow. Then, the growth of the rock into a mountain that fills the entire earth (I will go into details of Daniel with historical dates to show this on subsequent posts)
By the way, all the title terminologies; God, Lord (it's irrelevant if you write them in Capital or small letters because the meaning is unchanged) Amen, Christ, Cross, Jesus, etc all represent Pagan deities (what then, is the name of the Creator and the Messaiah?). I'll do well to replace them with the right ones as the Most High will help. Surely, you don't really think that a name like god and lord, that is shared with other "mighty ones" (man made deities and humans) is the name of the Most High or do you? ( Psalms 68:4, Isa 42 vs 8, Jer 23 vs 27, Hosea 2 vs 16 to end, Zach 13 vs 12)
We are told in the book of Revelations 12:9 that Satan deceives the whole word (this includes christians and every form of religion too)
We are also told that the Most High will send a strong delusion for those who hate and despise the truth. So they can continue in the lies and be damned for not believing in the truth (2Thes 2:7-12, Jeremiah 6:21)
If you want to identify who the real people of scriptures, YasharAL (Israel) really were, and who their descendants are today, they are the ones who must fit ALL the curses of Deuteronomy 28 for all their wickedness and disobedience to the laws, statutes and commandments of the Most High.
With that understanding, it will all make sense why they (Rome/Esau) came to the region (Africa) with the hatred that equally burns in their seed towards Yaacub(Jacob) to rape,plunder,steal resources and enslave a particular race of people. If you noticed, they didn't enslave Ham's descendants (Ethiopians) even though, they are also black! (Scriptures must be fulfilled) besides,
they knew who they came for.
As master of disguises, they dressed in a religious cloak (as a lamb) and commited so many attrocities and still, somehow, have managed to cover her tracks till date.
Scriptures say, "come out from her and be ye separate" in so many places (Revelations 18:4, Jeremiah 51:6 and 45, 2 Corinthians 6:17, Isaiah 48:20, Jeremiah 50:8)
All denominations from the Orthodox to the Pentecostals are all birthed from the Roman Catholic Church (Remember, they protested. Hence, were called Protestants). The Beast that lost it's daughters and lovers- The Beast that had the deadly wound that healed (Revelations 13)
This prophesy of the deadly wound was fulfilled with the Reformation in 1517A.D. And then, the losing of Political power in 1798A.D.
Accordingly to scripture, the wound healed- gaining back of both political and religious control (Church and State Power influence)
It's funny how main stream media has refused to publish the seeding of the signing of the Churches back to the Catholic Church (mother of harlots). Because in 2017, barely 500 years after the Reformation, this was done.
Ofcourse, there was the Lutheran who went back first in October 1999, followed by the Methodist in 2004, then the Anglican which preceeded the return of the Churches.
Without even the courtesy to let the "body of christ" know, even Evangelicals like Kenneth Copeland, Palmer, etc are a part of it.
Copeland even said to his congregation that the greatest mistake the Church ever made was the Reformation. Also, that the Churches (the newly signed off, which is infact,everyone) should take "that fire" back to the Catholic church and no one is protesting anymore because they are all a part of the Catholic church.
If you are in the Christian Church today, you are a Catholic.
The Messiah asked, can a good tree produce a bad fruit? And viceversa.
If the answer is plain and simple, how then can the Catholic Church (founders of christianity), shrouded in secrecy, lies, idolatry, murder, lynchings, the list goes on produce a good fruit?(note that there were christian wars and terrorist sects including the missionaries who enslaved blacks with the Bible on one hand and the sword (gun) on the other).
You wonder why the Churches are so polluted? Paedophilia, homosexuals, BLASPHEMERS, cheats, schemers, falsehood, nudity, etc. Check the root. All these are found in the history of the mother church. She is their mother!
I'll leave quotes that prove that the present churches are carrying the mark or sign of the beast and Not of the Most High.
According to scriptures;
1) The beast is one who tries to change times and laws.
2) Proclaims himself to represent the Most High on earth.
3) Though blasphemous, even claims the powers to forgive sins.
Let's take a peak into Catholic documents...
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