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SLAYING OR slaying?

Slaying or slaying?You've got power in your corner

When a move is trending, so many people go with the flow... Some are really creative about it and others criticize it.

As a Believer, you know you stand out... Because your Father does.

Whether you 'slay' with the best intentions or not, one thing is very important. It is the ONE who receives joy/ pleasure for your appearance that you give worship and honour to.

Remember this; we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood , but against principalities and powers, against rulers of this dark age (even the ones with some of these technological inventions and law makers in the world) and against spiritual wickedness in high places.

So when you 'slay' , please my dears, keep in mind that there are forces that are trying really hard for you to lose focus from what/where you should actually be slaying...

Slay in the Spirit, Slay in Prayers
Slay hard, for you have power (YAHUAH's power) in your corner.

Slay in righteousness!

Stay strong and stay baruk/blessed.

Favour Abam
I am a lover of YAHUAH. I love the truth and I don't shy away from believing and speaking it. I'm very passionate about this and it keeps my hope alive knowing that I have been given a chance to unlearn what I was taught to be true and re-learn what is really true all over... with patience and diligence, in humilty. For this, I'm grateful.

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